Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Arizona Legislature 2022 photos and wrap-up

More than 80 Lutherans, hunger advocacy coalition partners and friends from 23 districts across Arizona gathered at the Arizona Capitol Rose Garden, “joining with the most vulnerable of our society to voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.”
Coordinated by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA), 80 Lutherans from Phoenix and Tucson metro areas, Sedona, Dewey and beyond representing 23 of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts made contact with over 20 lawmakers at the bipartisan Lutheran Day at the Legislature on 2/1/2022.
LAMA Director Solveig Muus also announced a new statewide hunger task force to consolidate hunger advocacy efforts in Arizona. The partnership includes:
Speakers included Bishop Deborah Hutterer, Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers, Rep. Jennifer Longdon, Connie Phillips of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, Ashley St. Thomas of Arizona Food Bank Network, and LAMA reps Solveig Muus and Mark Engel. View great photos from David Hoye below.
Rep. Jennifer Longdon & Bishop Hutterer
Introduced by Rep. Longdon, Bishop Hutterer delivers the invocation at the day’s House session. Click to view the video here: Bishop Hutterer is on within the first minute, and Rep. Jennifer Pawlick’s introduction of Lutherans comes in around the 14 minute mark.

Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers
Hon. Speaker Russell “Rusty” Bowers (R) LD25 encouraged civic engagement.

Representative Longdon
Rep. Jennifer Longdon (D) LD24 spoke from the heart about hunger.

Solveig Muus
LAMA Director Solveig Muus announced LAMA’s work in forming a new statewide hunger task force.

Ashley St. Thomas
Ashley St. Thomas of Arizona Food Bank Network discusses HB 2060.

Connie Phillips
Connie Phillips, president and CEO of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, shares their multi-effort work and advocacy on hunger issues.

Mark Engel
Mark Engel was our emcee and welcoming presence. Mark is chair of the policy committee for LAMA, a member of the advocacy committee of LSS-SW, and a member of the steering committee for the Growing Generosity appeal.

Bishop Hutterer
Bishop Hutterer opened the morning’s events with remarks and prayers.
“When the people ask John the Baptist what they should do, he doesn’t say pray more or go to the synagogue more often. He said this isn’t complicated—it’s not rocket science—share and be fair with what you have. In community when we are in need we depend on the generosity of others. That is the focusing on the common good. Feeding the hungry, making food available to all in Arizona is not a partisan issue, it is a human issue. “

Bp. Hutterer offers Invocation at start of session, Rep. Longdon introduces her. From left to right: Solveig Muus, Keith Hainy, Rep. Jennifer Longdon, Mark Engel, Debra Slack, Intern Pastor Jen Smith, Rev. Jacqui Pagel, Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Rev. Alan Field, Bishop Deborah Hutterer, Rev. Mateo Chavez, and Annette Chavez.

The grandeur of the Arizona State House.

LAMA guests in the House Gallery introduced by Rep. Jennifer Pawlik (D), LD17,

One of 8 legislative appointments, this one with Sen. Lela Alston (D), LD24 (ctr).

From left to right: Rev. Sarah Stadler of Grace in Phoenix, Melanie Hobden of Desert Cross in Tempe, Senator Raquel Terán (D), LD30 and Lupe Conchas, Bread for the World regional organizer.

Too many Lutherans to fit in the frame. Attendees came from all over the state to attend.

Sharing the good news.

Keith Hainy and Intern Pastor Jen Smith and Debra Slack of Christ the Lord in Carefree, GCS Transition Coach Rev. Pat Reed, and Vicar Veronica Alvarez of Faith/La Fe Lutheran, Phoenix.

Speakers Bowers shared his stories of hunger awareness in his trips to Mexico as an artist and organizer of aid trips.

Bishop Hutterer, Connol Reid and Pastor Sarah Stadler of Grace Lutheran in Phoenix, Sami Mericle of Valley Interfaith Project, Pastor Beth Gallen of New Journey Lutheran in Fountain Hills, and Twila Burdick, Capital Conference representative of the Grand Canyon Synod Council.

“The ELCA’s tagline is God’s Work, Our Hands. And we put that into action. I recently heard that over 90% of Lutheran congregations are engaged in hunger ministries of some type—food pantries, congregant meal programs, shelters, after school programs, community gardens, and the like. That is about 70 congregations and 28,000 members working within Arizona to address hunger. It is important work, but it is not enough. We need legislation to assure that food is available.”

Elaine Kraemer and Rev. Steve Holm of Desert Cross Lutheran in Tempe, Rev. Kirk Anderson, Sheri Brown with Emmanuel Lutheran in Prescott Valley, and Rev. Conrad Braaten with Christ Lutheran in Sedona.

“Living God,
For the gift of this day and for the opportunity you give each of serve and share, we give thanks. We lift before you all who govern our state of Arizona from this legislative body to the town councils, mayors, clerks and all others across the counties. May all who have been entrusted with power understand it is a gift from you to be used, not for personal glory or profit, but for the service of people. We give thanks for these elected leaders, and all who offer them support, so that might serve with faithfulness. Give them what they need to make wise decisions for our common life and to serve all neighbors regardless of their financial or social status. With boldness we ask that you be a part of their work so it is done with a spirit of wisdom, charity, justice, and some joy along the way. Make this diverse fabric of Arizona a delight to all who live, work and visit here—uniting peple around common goals for the good of all. In the name of One in whom we live, move and have our being, Amen.

Rep. Longdon shared her personal experiences of hunger, both from childhood and as an adult. In 2004, Jen was paralyzed in a random drive-by shooting, changing the trajectory of her life overnight. Before the shooting, Jen was a successful businesswoman and provider to her family. After the shooting she struggled to stay afloat, losing her health insurance while lying in a hospital bed in a coma and confronting poverty head on.

“It was about three years ago the idea of reviving Lutherans to be engaged in advocacy came into being. At the kitchen table of Sarah Payne Naylor, who years ago, ran the advocacy office for the Grand Canyon Synod, a few of us gathered—believing that it was time again for Lutherans to re-engage with government officials to educate and advocate for policies that contribute to our common good.
Lutherans Engaged in Advocacy in AZ, LAMA, joins with the most vulnerable of our society to voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.“

Connie Phillips of LSS-SW.

It was a marvelous, productive day! We are grateful for all who support the mission and ministry of LAMA, this day and every day.

Rev. Alan Field

Vicar Cogan Blackmon of St. John’s Lutheran in Glendale and Rev. Conrad Braaten.

Pastor Sarah Birdsall-Upton from Faith/La Fe Lutheran in Phoenix and Janie Magruder.

Intern Pastor Jen Smith of Christ the Lord in Carefree.

Connol Reid of Grace Lutheran in Phoenix.

GCS Director of Communication Brian Flatgard talks with fellow Grace Lutheran Phoenix member Robert Charves.

Pastor Peter Perry of St. John’s Lutheran in Glendale and Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality.

LSS-SW’s Connie Phillips and Bishop Deborah Hutterer

Rev. Chris Stoxen of Holy Trinity Lutheran in Chandler with Bishop Hutterer

Rev. Jacqueline Pagel, Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation

Rev. Alan Field and Rev. Dr. Jeffery Gallen with Christ Evangelical in Goodyear.

Rev. Peter Perry of St. John’s in Glendale comes prepared.

Rev. Steve Holm of Desert Cross Lutheran in Tempe, Rev. Kirk Anderson, and Twila Burdick.

Rep. John Kavanagh (R), LD23, Representative Jennifer Longdon, Solveig Muus, and Mark Engel.

Representative Longdon and Solveig Muus

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Board of Directors Rev. Alan Field, Connie Phillips, Twila Burdick, and Janie Magruder.

The registration table was staffed with help from Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. At the table is Charlotte Shurtz (l) and Jay Eberle (r) from LSS-SW. Standing up are Vicar Cogan Blackmon (l) and Pr. Peter Perry (ctr) from St John's Lutheran in Glendale and Senator Sean Bowie (D), LD18. Back to us (black hoodie) is Rev. Jeannine Daggett.

Rep. Michelle Udall (R) LD25 and Connie Phillips, President and CEO Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest.

Rich Sisco with Bob Ulland, from Living Water Lutheran in Scottsdale.

Speaker Bowers and Solveig Muus speak with Rep Marcelino Quiñones (D), LD27.

Rev. Sarah Stadler of Grace Phoenix with David Daggett and Rev. Jeannine Daggett.

Tina Gilson and Marcy Fleming from Spirit of Hope Lutheran in Mesa talk with Rev. Pat Reed.

Karen Olson with Ascension Lutheran in Paradise Valley, and Donna Campbell with Christ the Lord in Carefree. In the background: Annette Chavez (LAMA policy council) of San Juan Bautista Lutheran in Tucson.