Now Available! The National Low Income Housing Coalition Advocates' Guide!

Effective Affordable Housing Policy Begins with You!

Every year, the National Low Income Housing Coalition publishes the Advocates’ Guide to Housing and Community Development Policyto educate advocates of all kinds about the programs and policies that make housing affordable to low-income people across America.

The Advocates’ Guide is NLIHC’s resource about virtually every federal affordable housing program and policy pertaining to low-income people. The Advocates’ Guide, written by NLIHC staff and other leading experts in the field, contains summaries of housing and community development programs as well as housing policy advocacy tools and other information. It contains all the information advocates need to advocate with public officials, in both the legislative and executive branches of government.

New in this year’s Advocates’ Guide is detailed information about COVID-19 housing and homelessness response programs; the policy priorities of NLIHC’s new HoUSed campaign for racial housing justice and universal, stable, and affordable housing; and actions taken by the Biden administration related to fair housing and protections for immigrant households and LBGTQ individuals, among other things.  

The Advocates’ Guide is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in or concerned about affordable housing and community development. If you are uncertain about how a HUD or USDA housing program operates, what resources and protections are in recent COVID-relief packages, how the national Housing Trust Fund or Low Income Housing Tax Credit work, or what kinds of activities CDBG and HOME can fund, look them up in the Advocates’ Guide! Seasoned advocates can get updates on changes from previous years and learn about new threats and opportunities. The Advocates’ Guide is also an outstanding primer for people new to affordable housing and community development. 

All of us can effectively advocate for housing programs with our members of Congress and other policy makers.


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