Phoenix Virtual CROPWalk for Hunger Awareness

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Walk. Give. Change the world.

Our community believes in ending hunger. And, in 2020, we will continue to fight against the new challenges of disease and disaster that leave people hungry. Join with us in raising funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals they need this year.

Join us for this year's virtual CROPWalk! We are raising funds and awareness of local and global hunger with 25% of funds going to the HART Pantry in Peoria. HART stands for Helping At Risk Teens and provides weekend meals for teens who would otherwise struggle with food security while not in school. For more information, go to

Particularly because the walk is virtual this year, we encourage you to invite friends and family to join you for the walk and to raise funds for both the HART Pantry and Church World Service's global hunger relief efforts. While you are welcome to walk at any time, we invite you to walk on Sunday, November 1 at 2:00 pm for one to three miles. Imagine all of us walking throughout the Phoenix area on the same day and at the same time to care for our neighbors!

The Glow Show Podcast

The October 7 edition of The Glow Show from Grace Lutheran Church (Phoenix) titled “Raising Funds for Awareness of Hunger” features Pastor Sarah Stadler interviewing Patty Henningsen, chairperson of the board of the HART Pantry. Don’t miss it!


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