Government and Civic Engagement Social Message Congregational Study

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A Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy

The ELCA Church Council unanimously adopted in June 2020 a new social message: “Government and Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy” [CC20.06.17]. This project was called for at the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, with an intention that it be ready to read before the election this fall. The social message explores how government is a gift from God that can also be abused and misused. It also delves into how we can view civic engagement as Lutherans.

To help dig into the text, there is a Study Guide, along with a Leader's Guide for those facilitating groups. A Spanish translation can be downloaded here. Printed copies (in packs of 5) can be ordered here.

Social messages are teaching documents of the ELCA focused on particular social topics. They are intended to focus attention and urge action on timely, pressing matters of social concern to church and society. ELCA social statements are more comprehensive documents developed via a five-year process led by a task force and adopted at churchwide assemblies. To read more about the upcoming work toward a social statement on church and state, click here.


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