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Both bills we encouraged you to weigh in on last week had their votes delayed! Both HCR 2060 and HCR 2032 are now set to be voted on this week. We hope you will join us in advocating against them while we still can!

HCR 2060 — The Return of SB 1070

This concurrent resolution bears striking similarities to Arizona’s infamous SB1070, the “Show Me Your Papers” law from 2010. If approved this resolution would go to a popular vote in November’s election.

HCR 2060 would make it a state crime to cross the Arizona-Mexican border at any point other than a designated port of entry or to live in Arizona without properly verified residential status. All state and local law enforcement agencies, most of whom do not have the capacity to take this on, would be allowed to conduct arrests for this crime. The supreme court has previously ruled this to be unconstitutional, as federal authorities have jurisdiction over immigration issues.

This policy would also require employers to verify the citizenship status of all employees and penalize business owners who do not. For more information on this bill, and the negative outcomes it would bring to our state, read our blog post on it!

Earlier this session, Governor Hobbs vetoed SB 1231, a clone of this bill. That has caused proponents of this policy to focus efforts on pushing it through to November’s ballot.

Join us in opposing the fear and harm that this policy would cause, and register AGAINST HCR 2060. There are many more people in the RTS system opposing this bill than supporting it, but that hasn’t stopped its progress; we also encourage you to write to your legislators before their votes this week.

HCR 2032— Voting Center Ban

This concurrent resolution is another one that has already been seen this session. This policy is almost identical to HB 2547, which we have worked all year to oppose. Thankfully, that bill failed its senate vote; unfortunately, supporters were able to fall back on this concurrent resolution and try to get the policy on the November ballot.

This policy would make voting much harder in Arizona by banning voting centers and requiring the return to the location based precinct model, as well as curtailing early voting and excessively limiting the number of voters each precint can serve. For more information on this policy, read the RTS action alert for 2547.

We hope you will join us in registering AGAINST this bill.

How to Weigh in

  1. Log into your RTS Account here, and select the blue “Request to Speak” app.

  2. Select “My Bill Positions” from the menu on the left.

  3. Enter the bill number in the search bar and select the bill when it pops up

  4. Select your stance and click the blue “Add” button

Do you have any questions about these bills? Leave us a comment and we’ll answer them! Thank you for your advocacy.


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