Lutherans Restoring Creation Art Contest

Help Grow Good Green News!

Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) is hosting an art contest ahead of this summer’s ELCA Youth and Young Adult Gatherings and they want YOU to participate!

LCR will have a booth in the interactive exhibit hall at this summer’s gatherings, where submissions will be displayed. The winning four entries will also be turned into postcards that attendees will use to write their elected officials and advocate for environmental justice.

The contest is open to ALL youth (ages 13-18) and young adults (ages 18-35), even if you are not attending the gatherings.

Contest Guidelines


We know that the youngest in society live in trepidation of environmental devastation. So often our imagining of the future is informed by concerned citizens showing us the dangerous consequences of an unchecked climate crisis: drought, famine, natural disaster, war. While being informed is important, how often are we able to imagine a future that fills us with hope? Where God’s Vision for Creation, abundant and Good, is realized; where we live in community with our neighbors and ecosystems? This art project asks for young Lutherans across our nation to imagine a better future, inspired by the “solarpunk” movement.

Prompt: A Better Future for Creation

Use art to show what our communities and church would look like if we lived in harmony with God’s Good Creation.

Submission Rules

- Due date: June 30th, 2024

- ALL art abilities are welcome. This “contest” values PROCESS over PRODUCT.

- Artist must be a Youth (13-18) or Young Adult (18–35) - The art must be human generated (AI art, while a helpful tool for imagining, may not be submitted)

Download a PDF version of the Art Contest Explainer here!

Examples & Inspiration

Here are some examples and tips included on the LCR Website:

  • Create an original landscape of a hope-filled and just future. Hint: For inspiration, try googling “solarpunk art!”

  • Take a picture or screenshot of your hometown or congregation and re-imagine what it could be by overlaying a digital or physical collage. (We want to see the before and after!) Hint: Google Streetview and a screenshot can help find a picture. Canva, Photoshop, or Photopea can be helpful tools in digital collages.

  • Draw directly on top of an image of your community, adding greenery or other projects you would want to see in that area. Hint: You can use white painters tape to draw directly on top of a printed image.

LRC has also made an image that can be used as a bulletin insert or for social media posts! You can download it here.

For more information, or to submit entries, visit the page on Lutherans Restoring Creation’s website!


Applications Open for Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith


RTS Action Alert 5/22