Tips for a ‘virtual visit’ with your legislator

During a time of physical distancing when policy makers are less able to be out in their districts, it is important that constituents take opportunities to communicate their experience and opinions about the heightened public health and economic challenges. There may be something invigorating about walking up to a pillared building in your best business attire for an appointment with the powerful people you normally just encounter as newsmakers, but we can still approach the halls of power from our homes and congregations.

More widely in use during the coronavirus pandemic, but an effective option at other times too, members of Congress, state lawmakers, community boards and local officials still conduct virtual meetings with constituents, recognizing the need to connect with stakeholders’ perspectives independent of being in the same room for a handshake. Physical distance need not keep you from sharing your faith-informed concerns.

Legislators are still on August recess until September 8. There’s still time to make an impact!

ELCA Advocacy created a document with tips for how to connect with your legislator à la distance.


Requesting your ballot by mail


Ensure lasting protection for young adults known as Dreamers