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Guest blog: Five tips for ‘Fifth Sunday’ letter writing
It’s been a year since New Journey Lutheran Church (Fountain Hills, AZ) began its ‘5th Sunday’ advocacy letter-writing program, and after 6 rounds of letters, guest blogger Kris Bartanen shares what they’ve learned with us.
Ways to be involved without being overwhelmed
When the world seems in chaos, it can be overwhelming, daunting and disorienting to know where and how to get involved. Read wisdom from our partners at LSS-SW.
Join us for Lutheran Day at the Legislature in 2025!
REGISTER NOW! Join us for a day of advocacy at the Arizona Capitol! Lutheran Day at the Legislature is Monday, February 10, 2025 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Check our website daily for updates.
Prep Now for August Advocacy Opportunities
August presents unique opportunities to bring our deep concerns as Christians about many things related to our planet and the beings that inhabit it to U.S. Congress in our own backyards. Read tips from ELCA Advocacy.
August Recess Toolkit: In-district meetings with your representative
Most years, the U.S. Congress recesses for the month of August. Senators and representatives return to their home states to reconnect with constituents. Use this guide to engage with elected officials, ask questions and share concerns.
Action Alert: Oppose HCR2060
Urge your state legislator to oppose this cruel immigration bill before it goes to a vote!
Request To Speak for the Week of 2/13
Read our second RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. We are encouraging support for HB 2510 and opposition to HB 2502 and 2503.
Action Alert: Check Your Legislative District
Take a minute to prepare for the legislative session by double checking your new Legislative District.
Join Us for Lutheran Day at the Legislature in 2024!
Join us for a day of advocacy at the Arizona Capitol! Lutheran Day at the Legislature is Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm.
New Advocacy 101 Tool Kit from LSS-SW
Explore Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest’s new Advocacy 101 Toolkit! If you feel called to engage in faith-based advocacy but don’t know how to begin, this tool kit is a great place to start!
2023 Farm Bill: Bills To Watch
2023 Farm Bill Primer: Information on bills we are watching and hoping to see in the upcoming Farm Bill! Read on to find out about proposed legislation and how you can advocate for those struggling with hunger.
Amanda Tyler & Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Read about guest speaker Amanda Tyler’s presentation on Christian Nationalism at our State Public Policy Office retreat! Learn more about what Christian nationalism is and find out what you can do to combat it.
August Recess Opportunities from ELCA Advocacy
August Recess is a congressional tradition that brings heightened opportunities to reach out to your federal lawmakers where you – and they – live. U.S. representatives traditionally return to their home districts in this month to engage with their constituents. Check out suggestions from ELCA Advocacy.
Advocacy Café
Check out the ELCA’s new virtual Advocacy Café! Hear from ELCA advocacy community leaders about timely topics. The 30-minute presentations will be offered twice on the same day.
Learn and Act: Voting Integrity Webinar
Whether you are a seasoned activist or taking your first steps into civic engagement, join LAMA, Phoenix Fusion, the Capital Conference and the Rev. Katie Sexton-Wood for an informative and energizing evening of learning and action.
On-Ramp to Advocacy Resource Now Available
New from ELCA Advocacy, a 2-page resource to get you started in advocacy!
#ELCAvotes: Movement Into Action
How you can participate in ELCAvotes this election year? PLAN AHEAD. Using resources that will be provided by the ELCA and partner organizations as part of the ELCAvotes initiative, here are some ways to participate in ELCAvotes.
ELCA Social Statement: The Church in Society
Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective articulates the teaching of the ELCA on the church's relation to society and its public presence and responsibilities. The statement begins with the claim that the witness of the church in society flows from its identity as a community that lives from and for the gospel.