Urge Congress to temporarily increase SNAP benefits

We can make a difference, right now. More importantly, Republican Senators have asked for calls from their constituents to support them in Senate negotiations. We have a small but critical opening, one in which ELCA Lutherans can play an essential role. See the note the ELCA has drafted below:

Congress is considering a new supplemental package to address the economic impacts of COVID-19. An ELCA priority in this package is addressing hunger increasing in our communities as unemployment and financial hardships rise. We are urging Congress to include a temporary increase in the maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit by 15% during this emergency to ensure households have enough resources to avoid the hard choice between paying bills like rent and providing food for their families.  

In recent days, public statements from Senators Boozman of Louisiana and Fischer of Nebraska have made statements in support of a temporary increase in SNAP. Republican support for the temporary increase in SNAP in the Senate’s version of the next round of COVID-19 relief is critical and building. Senate Republican support could ensure SNAP inclusion and relief for struggling and hungry people across the country. 


Urge Republican Senators to support – and encourage Senate leadership to accept – a temporary boost in the SNAP benefit. 


(Senate Switchboard 202-224-3121—Or if you have a direct number for the Senator, use that.) 

Senator, this is Bishop/Constituent ___________, from                   . I wanted to contact you directly to let you know how urgently I and many of my colleagues feel it is to add a temporary increase in SNAP benefits to the Senate’s version of the next round of COVID-19 relief. SNAP benefits were temporarily increased during the great recession and are an immediate backstop against hunger for North Dakotans facing hunger as result of this pandemic. 

I believe that SNAP benefits go beyond helping hungry people. SNAP dollars are used directly in our businesses and help provide commerce and jobs. As you know, they stimulate agribusiness here and all over the country. I hope that you would personally support and encourage your colleagues to also support this increase. And importantly, ask Senator McConnell to support this addition.  

Thank you for all you do. How can I pray for you right now? 

 Thank you so much for all you do to alleviate hunger by making your voices heard!


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