World Refugee Day is June 20, 2021


We mark this World Refugee Day in the midst of dramatic social change.   

A pandemic has tested our strength and highlighted systematic inequalities. It has also connected us in new ways and renewed our motivation to act for equality.

In the time of COVID, we celebrate refugees who are on the frontlines fighting this pandemic, their hosts and the aid workers supporting them. We have seen everyday heroes from all walks of life step up to join the front lines.

No matter who you are or where you come from, pandemic or not; everyone of us can make a difference. Every action counts.

The year 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. The UN General Assembly therefore decided that 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day from 2001 onwards.

World Refugee Day honors the strength and courage of refugees and encourages public awareness and support of the refugees, people who have had to flee their home lands because of conflict or natural disaster.

In honor of World Refugee Day, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will hold a Virtual Advocacy Day on Tuesday, June 22. Join LIRS’s Virtual Advocacy Day to tell your legislators that you want to see meaningful legislation passed that strengthens our country’s commitment to welcome and protection for those fleeing violence and persecution. This year’s event will be virtual and include trainings with LIRS policy staff and participants from each state. Legislative meetings with elected officials or their staff will be scheduled by LIRS staff and conducted by video or call-in format.

Refugees, immigrants, Lutheran faith leaders, and staff from LIRS partner organizations are invited to join this event. 


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