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Filtering by: “Environmental Justice”

Current Revolution, Parts 2 & 3: Nation in Transition, Workforce Rising

Current Revolution, Parts 2 & 3: Nation in Transition, Workforce Rising

American Resilience Project’s film series tackles the challenge of how the utility, auto, tech, and defense industries can help modernize the aging power grid to make it more secure and responsive to the needs of its users while enhancing environmental performance.

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Thirsting for Water: At the Intersection of Climate, Water and Hunger

Thirsting for Water: At the Intersection of Climate, Water and Hunger

A day of holy conversation about climate, water and hunger. Learn about the mega-drought affecting the Rocky Mountain Synod; engage in theological reflection; hear stories of the impact on agriculture; and consider how YOU can respond faithfully to the crisis. In person at Bethany Lutheran Church in Denver, or online via Zoom.

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AFN Cherishing Creation Collaborative Monthly Zoom

AFN Cherishing Creation Collaborative Monthly Zoom

Cherishing creation work needs to be done at all levels from our fellowship community to our neighborhood, city, state, national government, and the global community. Together we can elevate and disseminate faithful actions that cherish creation. AFN-affiliate communities are invited to consider “How is my community already actively cherishing creation?”

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AFN Cherishing Creation Collaborative Monthly Zoom

AFN Cherishing Creation Collaborative Monthly Zoom

Cherishing creation work needs to be done at all levels from our fellowship community to our neighborhood, city, state, national government, and the global community. Together we can elevate and disseminate faithful actions that cherish creation. AFN-affiliate communities are invited to consider “How is my community already actively cherishing creation?”

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