Advocate for a Pathway to Citizenship

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Immigrant essential workers have been helping our communities endure this pandemic for over a year now, yet they have often been treated as expendable. In many ways, the U.S. benefits from their labor while disregarding their humanity.

Now is the time to fight for a pathway to citizenship for essential workers and their families, farmworkers, and our neighbors with DACA and TPS!

Join Interfaith Immigration Coalition in urging the Biden administration and Congressional leaders to include a pathway to citizenship in any and all upcoming recovery packages. Inclusive relief, which recognizes the dignity of all, should be prioritized—and proposals should not exclude anyone based on prior interactions with our nation’s racist criminal legal system.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Sign on to this IIC letter - Faith leaders, people of faith, and faith organizations and denominations are invited to sign on to this letter to the Biden administration and Congressional leaders. The deadline to sign is Friday, April 23!

    • Individual faith leaders and people of faith are invited to sign here. Our previous email had a faulty link, but it's now updated!

    • Faith communities and faith-based organizations are invited to sign here.

  2. Amplify on Social Media - Use this toolkit to engage in advocacy and invite others to take action by posting on social media. Share this Facebook post and this Tweet to start spreading the word!

  3. Engage Local Media - Write a Letter to the Editor using the guide in this toolkit.

  4. Participate in Faith on the Phones - Join the IIC and partners every Thursday (through April 29) from 5-6 pm ET to advocate for citizenship for all. Learn more and RSVP here.

  5. Forward this email to friends, family, and members of your faith community and encourage them to take action.

Our undocumented neighbors deserve safety, protection, and an official welcome in the U.S. Raise your voice today!


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