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Watch & Share: Bishop Hutterer Invites You to the 2025 Lenten Challenge
Bishop Hutterer has recorded a special invitation video encouraging participation in the 2025 Lenten Challenge! This friendly, faith-deepening challenge connects us in daily spiritual practices while supporting safe drinking water efforts at the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) in Rock Point, AZ. Watch the video, share it with your congregation, and join the challenge today! Download options are available on our Vimeo page.
Bishops’ Op-ed: Deportation raids at churches? That assaults our religious freedom
Ten Arizona Bishops release joint statement on Immigration via an op-ed in The Arizona Republic. “Reports suggest that places of worship, hospitals and schools could be the target of deportation raids. As religious leaders across Arizona, we're asking others not to participate in these plans.”
Bishop Hutterer: A Message of Peace and Hope after the Election
As I reflect on the election results in our nation and in our swing-states synod, I recognize that emotions across our communities are varied and deeply felt. For some, there is joy and hope; for others, uncertainty and worry. In this moment, we turn our gaze once again toward Jesus, our unchanging source of comfort and strength in uncertain times.