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Bishop Eaton: Woven Together - A Post-election Message
The day after the 2024 presidential election, whether individually people experience joy or grief, Bishop Eaton reflects on the many expressions of our church being woven together as strands of a large tapestry. 2:07, recorded November 6, 2024.
Bishop Eaton: Casting Ballots as People of Faith
During this election season and as we prepare to vote as part of our civic responsibility and commitment to the Gospel, Bishop Eaton reminds us, "We are not defined by our political affiliations but by our shared baptism and our commitment to the Gospel."
Graceful Conversations: Building Arcs Across Divided Perspectives
Tired of anger and divisiveness? Want to foster unity and compassion in your faith community? This new resource is a 5-session workshop series to help faith communities talk openly about the issues facing our country and our Church.
The Peacemaker’s Toolkit
The Peacemaker’s Toolkit from Common Ground USA, the Multi-Faith Neighbors Network, and PERIL at American University includes a Reference Guide for Reconciliation in Your Community; a Starter Pack for beginners, and Practice Cards to to imbue peacemaking into daily life.
Bishop Eaton: Civic Engagement and Loving-Kindness
In anticipation of Election Day in the United States, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace across the globe." 3:20 mins.
Addressing Polarization and Building Cohesion in Your Community
Response to the cry to address polarization in our communities is being heard in many ELCA synods, congregations and ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices. Helpful resources and ideas for caring for one another and our communities as people of faith from the "Faith in Elections Playbook" on Interfaith America are reprinted in this post.
Bishop Eaton Addresses Political Violence
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on the violence perpetrated by a gunman at a political rally in Butler, PA on July 13. “Last weekend's shooting has distressed and destabilized our nation. Political violence breeds fear and can set in motion cycles of violence that will further shatter us.”
Bishop Eaton: Christian Nationalism and who is a real American
In her latest video addressing Christian Nationalism, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “what binds us together is not ethnicity, but shared participation in our civic life springing out of our cultural heritages and working for the common good.” 4:29 mins.
New Toolkit Available for Hosting Anti-Christian Nationalism Meetings
A new toolkit for churches to host a community meeting, engage in meaningful dialogue, and develop strategies to combat the divisive ideology of Christian nationalism. Join Christians Against Christian Nationalism in protecting the core values of our faith and democracy.
Your comments needed: Civic Life and Faith social statement draft
Reminder: The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters. The feedback period will be open until Sept. 30, 2024.