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ELCA Advocacy Summer School sessions
Use these 30-minute reflections plus 15-minute Q&A sessions on advocacy tips and themes to lay groundwork and stimulate discussion in congregations, study groups, advocacy teams and more.
Action Alert: Increase Pressure for an Immediate & Permanent Ceasefire
The latest Action Alert from ELCA Sumud for Justice in Palestine and Israel.
Advocacy In Action: News From the ELCA Conference of Bishops
The ELCA Conference of Bishops met last week and wrote two letters, advocating for neighbors in need. Our leaders address lawmakers, urging them to support Annunciation House in Texas, and a Ceasefire in Gaza, calling us to join them in defending our neighbors.
Sumud, Formerly Peace Not Walls, Launches New Lenten Series
Sumud, formerly known as Peace Not Walls, launches their new Lenten series. Read on to learn more about the ELCA’s commitment to walking with our partners in the Holy Land.
Peace Not Walls Action Alert: Urge Congress to Prevent Genocide
Read the latest action alert from Sumud (formerly Peace Not Walls) and find out how you can advocate for those in crisis in the Holy Land.