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ELCA Advocacy Summer School sessions
Use these 30-minute reflections plus 15-minute Q&A sessions on advocacy tips and themes to lay groundwork and stimulate discussion in congregations, study groups, advocacy teams and more.
Sumud, Formerly Peace Not Walls, Launches New Lenten Series
Sumud, formerly known as Peace Not Walls, launches their new Lenten series. Read on to learn more about the ELCA’s commitment to walking with our partners in the Holy Land.
Peace Not Walls Action Alert: Urge Congress to Prevent Genocide
Read the latest action alert from Sumud (formerly Peace Not Walls) and find out how you can advocate for those in crisis in the Holy Land.
Advent and Christmas in the Midst of the War
Updates on Advent preparations in the Holy Land amidst the current conflict. Read about how you can support our fellow Christians, as well as all suffering the effects of war.
Advent: How and for whom to prepare
Read Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars’s invitation to advocacy in this Season of Preparation.
Lutheran Responses to the Humanitarian Crisis in the Holy Land
Hear from ELCA World Hunger, Bishop Dr Azar, and more on the crisis in Gaza, and find out ways YOU can help those in need.
Lutheran Disaster Response Situation Report: Gaza Humanitarian Crisis
Read about Lutheran Disaster Response’s support of the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem amid the escalating violence in Israel and Gaza.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Peace Not Walls October 2023
ACTION ALTER: Violence continues in the Holy Land. Urge your reps to call for a ceasefire.
After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. Why Now?
“We have to wake up,” said Ami Ayalon, a former director of the Israeli domestic intelligence agency, Shin Bet. “We have to change the way we understand all this, starting with the concept that the status quo is stable.”