Grand Canyon Synod pastor testifies at YIGBY House Appropriations hearing

The Rev. Christine Stoxen, Holy Trinity, Chandler, testifies before the Arizona House Appropriations Committee.

Pastor Christine Stoxen of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chandler, testified before the Arizona House Appropriations Committee on Monday, February 24, 2025 in support of HB2191, the “Yes In God’s Back Yard” (YIGBY) bill on behalf of LAMA and Valley Interfaith Project (VIP).

Watch the hearing on HB2191 Yes in God’s Back Yard (approx. 1 hr) here. Pastor Chris’s testimony begins at 01:09:05.

The hearing went as well as can be expected. The room was jammed, and there were 22 bills on a crowded docket, bills that must have a resolution before the end of Crossover Week (Friday). The bill was second on the agenda, following testimony from former U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and veterans, asking lawmakers to fund a study of an African plant that could help veterans with traumatic brain injuries,. The psychoactive compound found in the plant, known as Ibogaine, is highly restricted in the United States, but it’s used medicinally in Canada and Mexico.

Facing an hour for the first bill and heavy docket, Chairman Livingston set strict rules regarding how many could testify, both for and against, and for how long (2 mins ea). Pastor Chris Stoxen was recruited and coached to testify by Valley Interfaith Project representatives, and gave excellent testimony.

HB2191 lived to see another day. Many objections were raised, and flaws in the bill were identified; an amendment that was expected to be presented wasn’t yet ready for the hearing, leaving much work left to be done, and additional stakeholder meetings to convene. Many who voted Aye did so only to allow the bill runners, including sponsor Rep. David Livingston (R), LD28, to address the flaws and present the amendment. The next step is for the bill to go to the Committee of the Whole (COW) for a final vote. And then if it passes the COW, the Senate will give it a run for its money.

Thank you for your advocacy! It’s not over, keep up the pressure! See how here.


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