HAF New Year’s Devotional: Leader Values

ELCA World Hunger’s Hunger Advocacy Fellows have teamed up to write a series of weekly devotionals for the ELCA Advocacy Blog. The series reflects on one of the year’s early lectionary texts, Ephesians 3:10. Follow along as each Fellow discusses what they wish to see from our candidates for office during this election year.

Week 5: Leader Values

The fifth weekly devotion was written by Frances Dobbs, Hunger Advocacy Fellow at the Lutheran Office of Public Policy in Wisconsin. In her devotional, Frances reflects the values imparted to us in scripture, and how she wishes to see our leaders engage them. Frances writes about justice, kindness, and humility, asking us reflection questions like, “How does a ‘clean heart’ show in actions of an elected official?

Read Frances’s devotional, Leader Values, here. Follow along for more installments in this series!


Request To Speak for the Week of 2/13


World Hunger Leadership Gathering Recap