World Hunger Leadership Gathering Recap
The ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering hosted in Houston, TX from February 1st - 4th was an inspiring event, where hunger leaders, young and old, from all over the world, gathered to give thanks, worship together, and learn. We partnered with AMMPARO, learned about ELCA World Hunger’s work with migrants and asylum seekers in the Houston area, taught about advocacy, and reflected on ELCA World Hunger’s 50 years of ministry.
LAMA director Solveig Muus, GCS Hunger Leaders Network Co-chair Melanie Hobden, and Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars represented our synod at the event!
Bienvenidos a todos! During the welcome events, many different organizations from the ELCA were introduced, including the Witness In Society team, who oversee ELCA Advocacy. We learned that in this area of Texas, 50% of the population speaks Spanish, and Pastor Ismael Calderon led us in a bilingual worship service. It was a joy to raise our many voices together in praise! Service began with a Land Acknowledgement in the form of a series of spirited and colorful dances from a local dance troupe. Bishop Michael Rinehart gave a sermon welcoming us to the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, and stressing the fact that hunger and poverty are policy issues, not resource problems.
On Friday, our group split in two, one visiting Iglesia Luterana Principe de Paz, and the other visited St. James Santiago Apostol. These local congregations work closely with migrants and asylum seekers around the Houston area. We learned about the support and services they provide to our newest neighbors, including the ways they engage with and have been supported by ELCA World Hunger. Since every migration story is unique, it is important for a multiplicity of supports to be available. We heard vulnerable stories from immigrants and congregation members, highlighting the importance of accompanying our neighbors in need.
Principe de Paz
St James Santiago Apostol
After returning from our off-site visits, we had the opportunity to participate in several workshops, on topics ranging from advocacy to grant writing. Solveig Muus and Melanie Hobden, along with the co-chairs from the New England Synod Hunger Leaders Network, facilitated a workshop on strategies for engaging congregations with the Hunger Leaders Network. The evening featured a panel discussion on including diversity in our networks, and worship, with a sermon on the feeding of the five thousand by Pastor Ele Clay.
Saturday offered a series of extended workshops, called Makers Cafés. These sessions were designed to delve deep into their topics, helping attendees develop strategies to take back home. Hunger advocacy fellows Autumn Byars, Will Milner (D.C. Advocacy Office), and Quentin Bernhard (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Pennsylvania) led a workshop on Developing an Effective Advocacy Campaign. During lunch, ELCA World Hunger Director Haemin Lee spoke on the importance of World Hunger’s work around sustainability, especially as it helps develop and support resilient communities. On Saturday evening, we attended a gala celebrating World Hunger’s 50th anniversary! Everyone involved with World Hunger for 35 years or more shared stories about their ministries, and gifts were exchanged with our international guests.
Our last morning together was spent in worship. Our service ended with a joyful rendition of “We Are Marching in the Light of God.” There is no better way to celebrate the last 50 years than by making our goals and plans to continue this good and necessary work. Here’s to another 50 years!
Special thanks is owed to Rev. Dr. Evie Landrau, Director of Networking and Engagement for ELCA World Hunger and her whole planning team!

For more pictures, check out our album here!