HAF New Year’s Devotional: Prayer for Open Hearts and Minds

ELCA World Hunger’s Hunger Advocacy Fellows have teamed up to write a series of devotionals for the ELCA Advocacy Blog. The series reflects on one of the year’s early lectionary texts, Ephesians 3:10. Follow along as each Fellow discusses what they wish to see from our candidates for office during this election year.

Week 1: Prayer for Open Hearts and Minds

The first weekly devotional is by Quentin Bernhard, Hunger Advocacy Fellow working at the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa). In his devotional, Quentin reflects on the importance of praying for our leaders, even if we are hesitant to. Regardless of how we feel about elected officials or their work, prayer has the power to open our hearts and minds. Meeting each other with a willingness to listen can open up new roads through which to bring God’s love and justice to our world. Quentin asks us a series of questions for our own reflection, including “Is praying for your elected leaders part of your Christian practice? How do you view it?” and “What might candidates for office be talking more about if they [saw one another as fully loved by God]?”

Read Quentin’s devotional, Prayers for Open Hearts and Minds, here. Follow along for more installments in this series!


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