LAMA Announces 2021 Legislative Priorities

2021 Legislative Session Begins

The Arizona Legislature began its 2021 session on January 11 amid a pandemic that continues to hit the state hard. Bills on almost every subject imaginable have been introduced. Because of concerns about the pandemic as well as potential violence, the Arizona Capitol has essentially been fenced off. Committee hearings are continuing for now, with a significant amount of regular business being handled virtually. Visitors have been severely limited in the buildings, which is far from business as usual.

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona LAMA) is a ministry of the Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA. LAMA’s mission is to “join with the most vulnerable of our society to voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.” LAMA raises issues of concern to policy makers through its advocacy efforts.

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona’s (LAMA) legislative priorities for 2021 are below:

  1. Hunger and associated food security issues (equity, housing, homelessness, etc.)

  2. Community-based Senior Support

  3. Equitable distribution of COVID-19 relief: No one is safe until everyone is safe. The Challenge: Sustainable statewide protection from COVID-19 by 2022 by supporting state and county administrations and frontline immunization workers to equitably deliver COVID-19 vaccines. With multiple vaccines approved by the FDA, the response must now shift to preparing for the efficient and equitable distribution of vaccines. Additionally, we must ensure that people suffering from the effects of the pandemic and recession can maintain access to stable housing, healthcare, food, and other necessities.

LAMA will monitor all legislation, especially those bills that relate to LAMA’s legislative priorities noted above, and together with friends and partners who share similar priorities, LAMA will work to help shape very positive legislation this year. When there is legislative activity of interest to the LAMA community that needs support, LAMA will send Action Alerts.

Meanwhile, the ELCA Advocacy team announced in their BLOG last week their federal policy advocacy plan. Download and review the 2021 ELCA federal policy priorities for advocacy below:


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