Support HB2142 Agriculture Workforce Development Program

From Pinnacle Prevention

HB2142 will be heard in the Arizona House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Your help is needed to urge committee members to vote YES on this important issue.

What does this bill do? This bill appropriates $1 million to the Arizona Department of Agriculture to run a 2-year pilot apprenticeship program for beginning farmers and ranchers in Arizona

Why is this bill important? Our agriculture workforce is aging: 93% of farmers are 35 years old or older. Apprenticeships are a recognized way to build talent and a career pipeline. Arizona has over 60 registered workforce programs from healthcare to construction. This program will not only help beginning farmers and ranchers enter a critical industry in Arizona, it will also help sustain farms and ranches of all sizes across the state. In some communities, farmers are the only source of fresh produce in their community, a critical part of the community’s health and well-being.


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