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The 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge for 2025
Lenten Devotions arrive in your Inbox each day of Lent beginning Ash Wednesday! By Pastor Bill Dohle of King of Kings Lutheran in Pueblo, CO. Have you signed up? It’s not too late.
World Food Day Celebration with ELCA World Hunger
Download World Food Day promotional toolkit and Register today! Join ELCA World Hunger on October 15 for a celebration of World Food Day and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger!
Action Alert: Plan an Advocacy Activity For God’s Work Our Hands Sunday
Prepare for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday by planning an advocacy activity! Participate in the service day while staying inside and beating the heat.
ELCA Youth & Young Adult Gathering Recap
Last week, the LAMA team joined synod staff, youth, leaders, and young adults from around Arizona for the ELCA Youth and Young Adult Gatherings in NOLA! Read our LAMA recap here.
ELCA Election Activator network launches!
Introducing #ELCAElectionActivator network, a monthly gathering for the mutual support and equipping of all Lutherans preparing to participate in the electoral process.
Kindling Faith series: What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?
In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting, and voting on major issues? In this important 6-part series, ponder timely ELCA social teachings and learn tips for leading discussions in your own community.
2024 “God’s work. Our hands.” resources available
All the resources you need to plan your 2024 “God’s work. Our hands.” day of service are available on LAMA’s GWOH page!
Lutherans Restoring Creation Art Contest
Find out about Lutherans Restoring Creation’s art contest for youth and young adults! Participants will have their art displayed at the Youth Gathering this summer.
Young Voices in the Public Sphere: A Call Towards Election Engagement
Learn about ELCA Young Adults’ Abide ministry! Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn will be hosting June’s small group on voter engagement. Register today!
And the winner of the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is…
Click to see who won the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. And a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network.
Love in deed and truth | 50 years of ELCA World Hunger
For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. As we reflect on our last 50 years of ministry together, we know God calls us to respond to the needs of the world now more than ever.
Regenerating Life: Watch and Meet the Filmmaker
Lutherans Restoring Creation and ELCA World Hunger share a resource faith communities can use to start discussions and inspire community-based-solutions to grow climate justice, as part of the One Home, One Future collaborative.
World Hunger Leadership Gathering Recap
LAMA staff spent four days in Houston at ELCA World Hunger’s World Hunger Leadership Gathering. Click for pictorial recap.
The 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge for 2024
All 5 Synods in Region 2 in a winner-take-all challenge to raise money for ELCA World Hunger! Pledge to participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent. The synod with the most participants wins!
Celebrate 50 Years of Impact Through ELCA World Hunger in 2024
ELCA World Hunger is reaching out to collect stories of the communities they have been able to support in the past 50 years. Have you received an ELCA World Hunger Grant in the past? Let’s share GCS stories of impact, showing the grant funds in action!
2023 State Public Policy Office Retreat
From September 17 - 20, State Public Policy Office (SPPO) directors from across the country met at Spirit in The Desert Retreat Center in Carefree. The faith based offices gathered to discuss priorities, advocacy and engagement strategies, attend lectures and discussions led by guest Amanda Tyler, and welcome the 2023-24 Hunger Advocacy Fellows.
Fall Climate Summit Equips Young Adults for Advocacy
ATTN Young Adults 18-35: If you care about the climate, we want YOU! Deadline to apply for a spot at this ELCA Fall Climate Summit is July 26. Spread the word ~ let’s get some GCS representation at the Climate Summit!
“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday
Consider Advocacy for your “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Day of Service this year ! Check out the planning toolkit and resources to make September 10 a wonderful, productive day! 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.