Christmas Prayers for Peace

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18)

In times as troubled as these, praying for peace can feel futile. What can our petitions do in the face of massive systems which perpetuate violence and suffering? And yet, we are called to pray more, to hold onto faith and hope harder, than in any other time. As we prepare for Christmas, let us not forget those in need of peace and safety.

It has been more than two months since violence erupted in Israel and Palestine, and this week, we ask you to join us in prayers for peace and deliverance for all those who are suffering. Christmas celebrations have been cancelled in the Holy Land this year, churches in Bethlehem calling instead for our prayers and support. We have elected to redouble our commitment to the oppressed and suffering through our own holiday celebrations. We recently shared 2023 Advent Cycle of Prayer For The Churches In The Holy Land And The Middle East from Church Beyond Borders. We invite you to pray a daily prayer with us:

Tuesday Dec. 19

We pray for the Environmental Education Centre of the Evangelical Lutherand Church in the Holy Land, The School of Hope, Ramallah, Ahliyyah & Mutran School, The Theodor Schneller School, Marka, The Bishop’s Kindergarten, Al-Husun, The Arab Episcopal School, Irbid, and Saviour Arab Evangelical School, Zarka; for encouragement from God when so much seems uncertain, and for peace that passes understanding.

Wednesday Dec. 20

We pray for Bethany Beyond the Jordan Baptismal Site, Church of the Good Shepherd, Amman, Redeemer Church, Amman, St. Paul’s Church, Ashrafiyeh, Theodore Schneller Chapel, Marka, St. Luke’s Church, Marka, Savior Church, Zarka, The Good Shepherd Church, Salt, The Virgin Mary Episcopal Church, Irbid, St. John’s the Baptist Church, Husun, St. Peter’s & St. Paul’s Church, Aqaba, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Beirut, Lebanon, and All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Damascus, Syria; for the comfort of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News in word and deed.

Thursday Dec. 21

We pray for Muslim and Jewish people in the Holy Land, for those of other faiths, and for all people of goodwill; for places of prayer, worship, and service to those in need; for all who love and serve God, their neighbours, and the common good.

Friday Dec. 22

We pray for those in positions of governing authority, whose words, decisions, and actions impact on the lives of millions; that true justice might guide them.

Saturday Dec. 23

We pray with a moment of silence for all who have been killed and wounded through the recent and ongoing violence, and for all those who mourn.

Sunday Dec. 24 A Prayer for Healing

Gracious God, we feel helpless in the face of war. As we witness the devastation in Israel and Palestine, we feel it here, too. Help us to accompany all who suffer, to be your healing balm in this wounded world. Almighty God, only you bring healing. When we feel helpless, help us to feel your presence. When we feel despair, restore our confidence in you alone. Teach us again to turn weapons into tools for harvesting your abundance. Remind us that true healing comes only in the presence of your truth, your justice, and your peace. Heal us, O Lord, so that we might be your healing presence now and always. Amen


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