Register to Vote!

Today is National Voter Registration Day

Tuesday, September 17 is #NationalVoterRegistrationDay. Celebrate the day by registering to vote! Already registered? Text 3 friends a reminder that registering to vote online takes just a few minutes

Do you want to vote in this year's General Election?

Statewide: Register via Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) here.

Statewide: Verify Your Voter Registration via Citizens Clean Elections Commission here.

Maricopa County: Register to vote or verify your registration status at http://BeBallotReady.Vote.

Follow this simple checklist courtesy of to make sure you are ready for Election Day on November 5.

  • Not sure if you are registered to vote? You can check here.

  • Not registered? It takes just a couple minutes to register.

  • Don’t want to vote in person? You can vote by mail. Request an absentee ballot here.

  • Vote for a future that has food security for everyone. Stay informed about where candidates stand on issues that impact people at risk of hunger.

  • Sign up for election reminders here.


REMEMBER: The deadline to register to vote in person or by mail is October 7. 


Introducing LAMA’s 2024 Voter Guide


Question: Does your faith influence your political opinion?