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LAMA Summit Recap
The third annual LAMA Summit featuring Rev. Eugene Cho of Bread for the World was engaging, thought provoking, informative and fun for the nearly 40 clergy, LAMA liaisons and hunger leaders in attendance. A review in pictures is included.
Manna Grant Awarded to LAMA
LAMA is the proud and grateful recipient of a Manna grant in the amount of $3,000, courtesy of Ascension Lutheran Church using a legacy gift from longtime member Orpha Hoganson.
GCS Manna Fund Now Accepting Grant Applications
Apply by July 31, 2022! Manna Grants are intended to support new and continuing projects in the Grand Canyon Synod that work to alleviate hunger and address the root causes of hunger, and which demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in leadership and decision-making.
LAMA featured in Living Lutheran
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) was featured on the Advocacy page of the March 2022 issue of Living Lutheran.
“Out among the people”
Mary Louise Frenchman might be “Pastor Frenchman” in professional circles. In more formal settings, some might introduce her as “the Rev. Mary Louise.” But to those who gather for worship and greet her almost daily on the streets of Phoenix, it’s “Big Mama.”
Domestic Hunger Grants awarded to two GCS ministries in 2022
“We couldn’t survive without our grants… they’re the most fantastic thing in the world!” ELCA World Hunger announced recently that two ministries in the Grand Canyon Synod received Domestic Hunger Grants in 2022: Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix and Native American Urban Ministry, also in Phoenix.
Grand Canyon Synod Global Engagement Initiative Launches Hunger Table
As one of the Grand Canyon Synod’s Global Engagement initiatives, this new ministry “table” brings together lay people across the synod who are interested in hunger issues within their communities.