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Why an Eviction Ban Alone Won’t Prevent a Housing Crisis
Renters receive more relief, but there’s a looming problem for landlords, especially those who own just a few properties.
Boost Homelessness Funding in Next Economic Relief Package
On any given day, nearly 570,000 people experiencing homelessness are staying in shelters or living on the street, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress. Many of them are unaccompanied youth or young adults, children, seniors, or people with disabling conditions.
Survey: Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan
The Phoenix City Council has developed a comprehensive “Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan” that focuses on service priorities and sustainable solutions for both those experiencing homelessness and the community impacted by encampments. The city needs your feedback on the proposed strategies and commitment to help make this plan a reality by August 28.
Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions
Jesus suggests we must be crafty as serpents and harmless as doves. To that end we are be advocating for renters caught up in the huge wave of evictions when EO2020-14 expires on July 22, and again (federally subsidized tenants) when the CARES Act provisions expire in August.