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Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus

After Trump-era cutbacks and a pandemic, immigrant advocacy groups prepare to meet a rising need

“We are all so ready to do more; we want to do more,” said Kristyn Peck, chief executive of Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, an organization that provides resettlement programs for refugees and asylum seekers, as well as foster care for unaccompanied children and teens. … “It’s all a cycle,” Peck added. Establishing a higher number of migrants allowed to enter the United States “allows us to put the gears and the infrastructure in place to respond to an even higher number.”

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Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus

Despite Biden’s vow to halt construction of the border wall, the Trump administration is expanding it.

In southeastern Arizona, the continuing political divisiveness around the Trump administration’s signature construction project has pitted rancher against rancher and neighbor against neighbor in a state that a Democratic presidential candidate narrowly carried for the first time in decades.

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Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus

LIRS Asking Clergy to Sign Presidential Determination Letter for Refugee Resettlement

As the end of the federal government’s fiscal year approaches (Sept. 30), the Administration is considering how many refugees to welcome in 2021. Although refugee admissions have decreased each year of the current Administration, refugee admissions have not been totally eliminated due to strong advocacy, particularly from the faith community.

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