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partners, SNAP, Medicaid, Economic Security Solveig Muus partners, SNAP, Medicaid, Economic Security Solveig Muus

Urgent: Advocacy needed TODAY to protect our neighbors!

Action Alert from LSS-SW: This week, Congress may vote on the Federal budget, which at this time includes drastic cuts to Medicaid in the amount of $880 billion over 10 years and $230 billion in cuts to SNAP benefits. We know that existing challenges already leave many people vulnerable—from affordable housing shortages, job losses, to the high cost of everyday necessities—will only be exacerbated if Medicaid is cut.

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ELCA Action Alert: Help End Pause of U.S. Foreign Assistance

Urge Congress to do everything they can to end the funding freeze on lifesaving programs. ”We affirm that our nation has responsibility to contribute a portion of its wealth to people in poorer nations through effective economic assistance,” (ELCA social statement For Peace in God’s World).

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ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Expand Senior & Disability Benefits

ELCA Advocacy is calling on us to support a bipartisan effort to expand senior and disability benefits! Take action now and join ecumenical faith partners to advocate for our vulnerable neighbors.

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Digging In: A Leader’s Guide to Service Learning

This leader’s guide is designed to help you plan your next service opportunity. It’s organized into four steps (Preparation, Action, Reflection and Celebration) and will walk you through how to make the most out of your service opportunity. From ELCA World Hunger.

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