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Shop ELCA Good Gifts
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing, charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents.
Know Your Neighborhood Worksheet and Guide
Newly updated from ELCA World Hunger, this brief guide provides some suggestions for finding data related to several areas that impact food security: housing, employment and food access. Each section describes how to find the most reliable data.
Creation Care Investments in Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a federal spending bill that is a crucial step towards finding solutions to the climate crisis by making the largest federal investment ever in clean energy technologies. The ELCA adopted a memorial on Greenhouse Gas Reduction during the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
Housing: A Practical Guide for Learning, Advocating and Building
Housing: A Practical Guide for Learning, Advocating and Building is a new ELCA World Hunger resource for congregations who want to learn about and take action to address the housing crisis in their communities.
Community Gardens How-To Guide
This Community Gardens How-To Guide is filled with wisdom harvested by congregations whose community gardens have become vital parts of their ministry. 28-pg guide includes practical tips on logistics, crafting a vision and incorporating your garden into the life of your congregation. ELCA World Hunger.
Tell Congress: Prioritize housing and homeless programs in the FY23 federal budget
By June 30, Faith-based Sign On Letter: Help stop cyclical homelessness by supporting Housing First, a strategic model that helps stop cyclical homelessness and keeps the most vulnerable stably housed. From ELCA Advocacy.
Hungering for Justice: Luther and the Economy Study Guide
This five-week educational series uncovers how our Lutheran faith shapes our perspective and role in the economy. Each week looks at one key aspect of the economy and explores questions related to economic justice. ELCA World Hunger.
ELCA Social Statement: Economic Life
Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All conveys ELCA teaching that economic activity is a means through which God's will is served for the thriving and well-being of humankind and the care of the earth.
Build Back Better Reduces Racial Disparities
The House Build Back Better (BBB) legislation takes important steps to address racial disparities rooted in this nation’s long history of racism and discrimination, which has created large gaps in both opportunities and outcomes in education, employment, health, and housing.
New Poll Reveals Strong Bipartisan Support for Action on Housing Affordability
The results of a national opinion poll reveals that the public is deeply concerned about the housing affordability crisis and favors decisive government action. The Tarrance Group conducted the poll and found that nearly 9 in 10 (89%) respondents across all political parties believe the role of government is important when it comes to making sure there is enough affordable housing.
Poverty fell overall in 2020 due to massive stimulus checks and unemployment aid, U.S. Census says
Nearly 8.5 million people were lifted out of poverty last year, an unprecedented decline in a single year that occurred largely because of the stimulus checks. Poverty in America is defined as a family of four living on less than about $26,250 a year.
These Interconnected Policies Would Sustain Families, Support Women, and Grow the Economy
Individuals and families need a range of supports to thrive, lead healthy and productive lives, and participate fully in the economy. An interconnected suite of policy interventions that addresses economic stability and family care needs is essential, not only for families’ economic well-being but also to grow and propel a strong economy.
What you need to know about applying for rental assistance as national eviction ban comes to an end
Some 290,000 households received the aid in June, up from 160,000 in May and 100,000 in April. Still, more than 11 million Americans, or 16% of U.S. renters, say they aren’t caught up with their housing payments as the eviction ban expiration date of July 31 looms.
3 things metro Phoenix can do to prevent an eviction surge after the CDC moratorium ends
Metro Phoenix had an eviction problem before the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents in Maricopa County were more than twice as likely to lose a home to eviction than the typical U.S. resident from 2014-2018. On July 31, the final eviction moratorium will expire, and evictions are expected to return to their pre-pandemic pace — if not exceed it.
Pandemic evictions were halted, but metro Phoenix landlords still filed for almost 30,000
Phoenix area evictions didn’t stop during the pandemic. Here’s why.
President Biden Signs American Rescue Plan Act with Nearly $50 Billion in Housing and Homelessness Assistance
President Biden signed into law on March 11 the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package with nearly $50 billion in essential housing and homelessness assistance, including $27.4 billion for rental assistance and $5 billion to assist people experiencing homelessness.
Provisions in the stimulus bill will help the 14% who don't have enough to eat
Americans are struggling to pay for basic household expenses, like food, rent, and medical services, but with President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, households across the country can expect to see relief.