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ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge the Senate to Expand the CTC
With tax season underway, urge our Senators to pass a bipartisan tax package that expands the Child Tax Credit!
UPDATE: Child Tax Credit Passes House, Awaits Senate Approval
The CTC passed the House! Read more about how to advocate for this instrumental policy as the Senate prepares to debate it
ELCA Action Alert: Urge Congress to Expand the Child Tax Credit
Help fight child poverty and hunger by urging congress to prioritize tax relief for low-income families.
Build Back Better Reduces Racial Disparities
The House Build Back Better (BBB) legislation takes important steps to address racial disparities rooted in this nation’s long history of racism and discrimination, which has created large gaps in both opportunities and outcomes in education, employment, health, and housing.
Arizona Voters Improved State’s Tax Code, Advanced Critical Funding for Schools
Arizona voters approved a ballot measure this week that will make the state’s tax code more equitable while raising hundreds of millions of dollars in badly needed revenue for schools. Two other sound, high-profile ballot measures — in Illinois and California — either failed or remain too close to call, but the Arizona victory joins New Jersey’s new “millionaires’ tax” as an example of equitable, antiracist fiscal policy that other states should follow.