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ELCA Action Alert: Urge House to reintroduce Truth & Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the U.S. Act

The Truth & Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies would initiate long-overdue steps towards healing intergenerational trauma and seeking justice for survivors and their families. While active in the Senate, the House must be urged to move forward the Truth and Healing Commission forward to passage.

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Social Justice, Racial Justice Solveig Muus Social Justice, Racial Justice Solveig Muus

ELCA Social Statement on Race, Ethnicity and Culture

The ELCA Social Statement titled Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture expresses the ELCA’s calling to celebrate culture and ethnicity. This calling commits the ELCA to confront racism, to engage in public leadership, witness and deliberation on these matters, and to advocate for justice and fairness for all people. It was adopted by the 1993 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

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Racial Justice Solveig Muus Racial Justice Solveig Muus

What Americans hear about social justice at church – and what they do about it

[Research indicates] that, depending upon the issue, between half and two-thirds of Americans support religious leaders taking public positions on racism, poverty, war and immigration. Roughly a third report attending worship settings where their clergy or friends discuss these issues and the importance of politically acting on one’s beliefs.

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Declaration of the ELCA to American Indian and Alaska Native People

On Sept. 27, Church Council approved on behalf of the ELCA “A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People.” This declaration addresses Indigenous ELCA communities, Indigenous communities in the U.S., and non-Indigenous ELCA communities.

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Racial Justice Solveig Muus Racial Justice Solveig Muus

Critical Race Theory: What Christians Need to Know

Let’s talk about the issue tearing the American church and country apart. D. A. Horton joined global media manager Morgan Lee and senior news editor Kate Shellnutt of The Christian Century to discuss what critical race theory is, why it unnerves some Christians, and what can be done to help Christians stop talking past each other when it comes to addressing the reality of racial injustice.

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Racial Justice Solveig Muus Racial Justice Solveig Muus

Juneteenth 150 years later

“Juneteenth is not just a commemoration of an event that happened 150 years ago. It is a call to pay attention to those places where people are still not free and to join in this groundswell of a movement to make the freedom that the forefathers envisioned real for every person and for every group that still lives with and feels the sting of discrimination.”

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