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Hunger, COVID-19 Solveig Muus Hunger, COVID-19 Solveig Muus

Opinion: How Biden’s executive order could reduce hunger today — and long after the pandemic is over

Stories of deep, pervasive hunger have been among the more disturbing undercurrents of the past year. Food lines stretch for miles. About 29 million U.S. adults — nearly 14 percent of the adult population — said last month that their household sometimes or often didn’t have enough to eat in the previous seven days, according to the Census Bureau’s most recent Household Pulse Survey. The shares are even higher among Blacks, Latinos and households with children.

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Hunger Solveig Muus Hunger Solveig Muus

Phoenix Virtual CROPWalk for Hunger Awareness

This year's Phoenix CROP Hunger Walk is Virtual! CROPWalk is raising funds and awareness of local and global hunger with 25% of funds going to the HART Pantry in Peoria. Walk on your own, with a friend or family member, or ‘virtually’ to help end hunger, both globally and here at home.

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