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2020 Advent Resources from ELCA World Hunger
New for 2020! Advent Action Guide, Calendar, Study and Reproducible Stories for congregational use to plan educational and fundraising events at your congregation. From ELCA World Hunger.
The Freedom of a Christian 3-Seminar Series
According to Martin Luther, The Freedom of a Christian “contains a summary of the whole Christian life.” Its main point is that only faith can make us free in such a way that we can give ourselves in loving and joyful service to our neighbors, whoever they may be, without seeking anything in return other than to praise God.
Envisioning an Environmentally Just World: Virtual Town Hall with Ruth Ivory-Moore
Ruth Ivory-Moore explores racial inequities, social & economic conditions, incorporating ESG principles into policy, sustainability & faith.
Discipleship in a Democracy
Seldom has a presidential campaign generated such intense feeling and heated rhetoric as the one currently nearing its conclusion. There are growing fears that, whoever wins, the outcome will further divide our nation and cause even more intense conflict within families and churches.
Called to Be Political Advocacy Resource from WELCA
Called to be Political explores the Christian call and responsibility of civic engagement. This updated and refreshed version of the Women of the ELCA’s popular resource includes the reflection of four Lutheran women on faith and politics.
Government and Civic Engagement Social Message Congregational Study
The Discipleship in a Democracy social message explores how government is a gift from God that can also be abused and misused. It also delves into how we can view civic engagement as Lutherans. A Study Guide and a Leader's Guide for those facilitating groups is now available. Spanish translation also available.
Tips for a ‘virtual visit’ with your legislator
More widely in use during the coronavirus pandemic, but an effective option at other times too, legislators still conduct virtual meetings with constituents, recognizing the need to connect with stakeholders’ perspectives independent of being in the same room for a handshake.
ELCA Advocacy August Recess Guide
Most years, the U.S. Congress recesses for the month of August. Senators and representatives return to their home states to reconnect with constituents. Use this guide to engage with elected officials, ask questions and share concerns.
August congressional recess opportunity
ELCA Advocacy provides some timely questions and talking points based upon ELCA Advocacy priorities of hunger, police reform, housing and homelessness, migration, international aid, and inequality.
Q&A: Pr. Sarah Stadler on advocacy and upcoming ‘Advocacy 101’ classes
Rev. Sarah Stadler, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix, thoughtfully and candidly reflects on advocacy as a spiritual practice. Pr. Sarah will facilitate Advocacy 101, a 4-week virtual class beginning Thursday, August 6 at 6:30pm PT, as a part of the Phoenix Fusion collaborative.
ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellowships Available
Do you or someone you know have the drive to help build ELCA World Hunger capacity o end hunger by deepening and expanding Lutheran advocacy efforts in synods, coalitions and networks? Now accepting applications.
ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide
The ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide is a resource guide to encourage, empower and equip voter education and other responsible civic participation shaped by faith values.
Include Advocacy in your church’s God’s Work, Our Hands day of service.
This can be done without gathering in person!
On “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, ELCA churches put our faith in action – visible year-round and on Sunday, September 13 as we respond to God calling us into the world to serve together.
Among our gifts of service that we dedicate to the glory of God, engaging in advocacy is a way to serve our neighbor. Through advocacy ministry, we form relationships with our policymakers and can stand up for policies that move us closer to a world that God envisions, where the health and safety of all people are prioritized.
Episcopal, ELCA leaders headline webinar connecting political advocacy with love of neighbor
More than 2,000 join session offering tips for public engagement