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Devotional: First, Learn. Next, Do.
Last spring, "Like many, my plans had been derailed, and the way forward seemed especially unclear," says ELCA World Hunger Fellow from Lutherans Engaging in Advocacy Ministry NJ. "It was during this time that my 'new thing' sprung forth..." Read #newthing devotional reflection at https://blogs.elca.org/.../devotional-first-learn-next-do/
WANTED: GCS Participation in Listening Sessions on Civic Engagement Social Statement
The ELCA Social Statement on Civic Engagement is underway. Let your voice be heard! What issues should be included in the ELCA’s next Social Statement on Church, State, and Civic Participation? What concerns do you have about where the church currently stands on civic engagement, and where should the church be headed?
Support the Global Fight Against Malnutrition
Urge U.S. Reps Tom O’Halleran (LD 1), Paul Gosar (LD 4), Andy Biggs (LD 5), David Schweikert (LD 6) and Debbie Lesko (LD 8) to cosponsor H.R.4693. Reps Kirkpatrick (LD 2), Grijalva (LD 3), Gallego (LD 7) and Stanton (LD 9) have already signed on. Urge Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema to cosponsor S.2956.
On-Ramp to Advocacy Resource Now Available
New from ELCA Advocacy, a 2-page resource to get you started in advocacy!
LAMA Advocacy Update: March 2022
March 2022. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) ~ LAMA included ~ in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
LAMA featured in Living Lutheran
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) was featured on the Advocacy page of the March 2022 issue of Living Lutheran.
#ELCAvotes: Movement Into Action
How you can participate in ELCAvotes this election year? PLAN AHEAD. Using resources that will be provided by the ELCA and partner organizations as part of the ELCAvotes initiative, here are some ways to participate in ELCAvotes.
2022 ELCA Federal Policy Priorities
Read about 2022 ELCA Federal Policy Priorities on Domestic, Environment, International, Migration, Middle East and Civic Engagement topics, the justification through biblical and ELCA social teachings, and how you can be involved.
LAMA Advocacy Update: February 2022
February 2022. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) ~ LAMA included ~ in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
What does the ELCA say about Voting Rights and Racial Justice?
As we watch more than 100 voting rights bills cross the desks of Arizona legislators, we’re thinking as people of faith and as members of the ELCA using a racial justice lens.
Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Arizona Legislature 2022 photos and wrap-up
Coordinated by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA), 80+ Lutherans representing 23 of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts made contact with over 20 lawmakers at the bipartisan Lutheran Day at the Legislature on 2/1/2022. Exceptional images by David Hoye captured the big day.
2022 Lent Resources from ELCA World Hunger
New for 2022! Lent Action Guide, Calendar, Study, presentation templates and weekly email series ask the question, “What will it take to end hunger?” New Forty Days of Giving resources for congregational use in planning educational and fundraising events at your congregation. From ELCA World Hunger.
Legislators Confirmed for Lutheran Advocacy Day
Which legislators are confirmed so far? Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Legislature, aka Hunger Awareness Day, is Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 8:30 am - 10:30 am.
ELCA Calls for Support of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
As voting rights move forward in public discussion, urge your Senators to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R.4) with a customized message through the ELCA Action Center.
Speakers Confirmed for Lutheran Advocacy Day
Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Legislature, aka Hunger Awareness Day, is Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 8:30 am - 10:30 am. Speakers and agenda are now confirmed. More details to follow.
Meet Your ELCA Advocacy Staff
Meet ELCA staff based in Washington, D.C., including policy advocates who monitor legislative developments, develop relationships with policy makers, consult with faith-based coalitions, advance accompaniment awareness and goals from ELCA ministries and colleagues, and facilitate action by members of the ELCA Advocacy Network.
Hunger Policy Podcast Migration 2021
In this podcast, Giovana Oaxaca, the ELCA’s program director for migration policy, joins Ryan Cumming of ELCA World Hunger to talk about the realities of migration and immigration policy. Learn about who has access to public benefits, what it means to be a “non-citizen” and how policy changes can impact individuals and communities.
ELCA Social Statement: Economic Life
Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All conveys ELCA teaching that economic activity is a means through which God's will is served for the thriving and well-being of humankind and the care of the earth.