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Hunger, Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus Hunger, Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus

A resounding Yes! Hunger Resolution passes at Synod Assembly with flying colors

Grand Canyon Synod Resolution S23.01 titled Encouraging congregations to support local hunger ministries, increase awareness of hunger and poverty issues, and increase opportunities to financially support the work of ELCA World Hunger passed unanimously on Saturday, June 10 at the 2023 Synod Assembly in Oro Valley, Arizona.

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GCS Manna Grants: Now accepting applications

Apply by July 31, 2023! Manna Grants are intended to support new and continuing projects in the Grand Canyon Synod that work to alleviate hunger and address the root causes of hunger, and which demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in leadership and decision-making.

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Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus

“Out among the people”

Mary Louise Frenchman might be “Pastor Frenchman” in professional circles. In more formal settings, some might introduce her as “the Rev. Mary Louise.” But to those who gather for worship and greet her almost daily on the streets of Phoenix, it’s “Big Mama.”

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