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Hunger Advocacy Fellowship Opening in Arizona
The 2023-24 Hunger Advocacy Fellow placed with LAMA will serve as a member of the staff of this ELCA-affiliated State Public Policy Office as a full-time contract employee. This is a paid position, including health insurance. The position begins in September 2023.
And the winner of the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is…
As part of the Lenten Challenge between the Southeastern Iowa and Grand Canyon Synods, more than 200 individuals from over 70 congregations pledged to participate. Thank you!
Farm Bill Resources: Prep for Listening Sessions
Congress is preparing to reauthorize the Farm Bill in 2023. Each reauthorization provides an opportunity to improve or expand programs that ensure access to fresh and healthy food while addressing root causes of hunger.
ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions
The farm bill is legislation that is critical to addressing hunger in the United States and globally. It covers federal nutrition programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), environment, trade, foreign aid and rural development.
2023 Hunger Education and Networking Grants
Applications are now being accepted for 2023 ELCA World Hunger Education and Networking Grants! Call us at LAMA if you need help applying for this grant.
Arizona’s No Borders No Limits Produce Program
For the first time in the program’s history, the No Borders No Limits Produce Program is assuming a role in produce sourcing through activities in Nogales, Arizona, which is a hub for produce coming in to the US from Mexico. Watch video!
Lunch and Learn: How Clean Water Can Help End Hunger
A Lunch & Learn virtual dialecture by ELCA World Hunger’s Dr. Ryan Cumming. Developed for the GCS and SEIS in conjunction with our inter-synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. Thursday, March 16 @ 10:00PST / 11:00MST.
How cool is this: your license plate can help to end hunger
Have you seen this license plate when driving around Arizona? The Hunger Relief license plate costs $25 (plus postage and handling) and benefits LAMA and Arizona Anti-Hunger Alliance coalition partner, the Arizona Food Bank Network.
Arizona Anti-Hunger Alliance Advocacy Day
LAMA is co-sponsor of the Anti-Hunger Alliance Advocacy Day at the Capitol on March 13th, 2023, from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Wesley Bolin Plaza. Complimentary lunch included. Please join us!
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: Why support ELCA World Hunger?
The 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge ~ Grand Canyon vs. Southeastern Iowa Synods ~ supports ELCA World Hunger. Why? See what ELCA World Hunger is up to and get inspired register for the Lenten Challenge!
The 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge
The Grand Canyon Synod vs. the Southeastern Iowa Synod in a winner-take-all challenge to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. Pledge to participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent. The synod with the most participants wins!
RTS ALERT: HB2211 Food Assistance Reduces Recidivism & Helps Families
RTS ALERT: HB2211 ~ Food Assistance Reduces Recidivism & Helps Families
Anti-Hunger Playbook 2023 from AzFBN
This new 12-page resource from Arizona Food Bank Network is created each year to help educate state legislators about hunger in Arizona. Contains helpful and up-to-date information for Arizona hunger advocates.
Climate and Hunger Toolkit from ELCA World Hunger
This resource contains activities that can be used together or separately. “Opening” helps participants explore the connections between hunger, climate change and their faith. “Learning” dives into the intersections between hunger and climate change such as nutrition, transportation and weather. “Closing” helps you plan for future community activities on hunger and climate change.
Hunger Advocacy Works: Exciting News from AzFBN
Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman announced last month that the Arizona Department of Education will allocate $6.75 million in pandemic relief funds to waive fees for students who qualify for reduced-price school meals starting in January.
Digging In: A Leader’s Guide to Service Learning
This leader’s guide is designed to help you plan your next service opportunity. It’s organized into four steps (Preparation, Action, Reflection and Celebration) and will walk you through how to make the most out of your service opportunity. From ELCA World Hunger.
Know Your Neighborhood Worksheet and Guide
Newly updated from ELCA World Hunger, this brief guide provides some suggestions for finding data related to several areas that impact food security: housing, employment and food access. Each section describes how to find the most reliable data.
Opportunity to Extend Child Tax Credit
Lawmakers have a limited window to pass an extension to the Child Tax Credit (CTC), which lapsed at the end of 2021. Last year, the strengthened tax credit helped cut childhood poverty from 9.7 to 5.2 percent! In a year of record inflation and economic uncertainty, the CTC expansion alone kept 2.9 million children out of poverty.