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Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s statement against Christian nationalism

The statement reads in part, “Whether we worship at a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple, America has no second-class faiths. All are equal under the U.S. Constitution. As Christians, we must speak in one voice condemning Christian nationalism as a distortion of the gospel of Jesus and a threat to American democracy.”

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Are We Really a Public Church? Ministry in a Multi-Faith North America

David D. Grafton raises the question of what it means to do public ministry in a multi-faith context. He proposes that thinking about ministry in a multi-faith North America actually provides opportunities for the authentic Christian witness and a faithful Christian life.

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Christian Nationalism Solveig Muus Christian Nationalism Solveig Muus

Who Is a “Real” American?

“An element in our country wants to legislate that the United States is a Christian nation where Christianity should be privileged and only Christians should hold office. This is Christian Nationalism, which is neither Christian nor patriotic.” The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, in Living Lutheran

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Hunger Solveig Muus Hunger Solveig Muus

ELCA Names New World Hunger Director

The ELCA welcomes Haemin Lee, the new director of ELCA World Hunger, who will lead the team working with ELCA World Hunger’s domestic and international grants. Read Haemin’s greeting in this post.

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Hunger Solveig Muus Hunger Solveig Muus

ELCA World Hunger’s latest VBS Curriculum: God’s New Creation

ELCA World Hunger's VBS for 2023 gives groups the chance to learn about animals. By helping farmers access animals and learn new ways to care for them, we can take an effective, sustainable step toward ending hunger. Each day of “God’s New Creation” offers large- and small-group activities, crafts, games, snacks and more.

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Evacuees and Refugees, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus Evacuees and Refugees, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus

ELCA-LIRS World Refugee Day letter from Bishop Eaton and Krish O'Mara Vignarajah urging advocacy

In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, the ELCA and LIRS advocacy networks invite their members to a national day of advocacy, intended to build urgency for robust support for refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers. We urge all to learn more about refugee admissions in the United States, join LIRS's 125 Watch campaign, accompany migrants through AMMPARO, and advocate through prayer and action for our neighbors in need.

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Hunger, Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus Hunger, Grand Canyon Synod Solveig Muus

A resounding Yes! Hunger Resolution passes at Synod Assembly with flying colors

Grand Canyon Synod Resolution S23.01 titled Encouraging congregations to support local hunger ministries, increase awareness of hunger and poverty issues, and increase opportunities to financially support the work of ELCA World Hunger passed unanimously on Saturday, June 10 at the 2023 Synod Assembly in Oro Valley, Arizona.

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