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Act Now for Equal Rights for LGBTQIA+ Individuals

The House has passed the bipartisan Equality Act (H.R. 5), a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes alongside race, gender, religion, national origin, age, and disability. Now we need to urge the Senate to introduce and pass an amended version of this legislation too.

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COVID-19, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus COVID-19, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus

Devotional: Identification beyond binaries

“Proverbs 22:6 acknowledges binaries of the world and also guides us in considering our identifiers. While the rich are comfortable and powerful, they will lack blessings, honor, and life if they are not humble and “fear the Lord” (Proverbs 22:4). Calamity comes to those who perpetuate injustice, especially as it pertains to the poor.”

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ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus

The Freedom of a Christian 3-Seminar Series

According to Martin Luther, The Freedom of a Christian “contains a summary of the whole Christian life.” Its main point is that only faith can make us free in such a way that we can give ourselves in loving and joyful service to our neighbors, whoever they may be, without seeking anything in return other than to praise God.

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Voting, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus Voting, ELCA Advocacy Solveig Muus

Discipleship in a Democracy

Seldom has a presidential campaign generated such intense feeling and heated rhetoric as the one currently nearing its conclusion. There are growing fears that, whoever wins, the outcome will further divide our nation and cause even more intense conflict within families and churches.

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Government and Civic Engagement Social Message Congregational Study

The Discipleship in a Democracy social message explores how government is a gift from God that can also be abused and misused. It also delves into how we can view civic engagement as Lutherans. A Study Guide and a Leader's Guide for those facilitating groups is now available. Spanish translation also available.

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