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New LAMA Video: Loving Our Neighbor
Loving Our Neighbor: Striving for Justice and Peace through Advocacy. This video introduction from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA) highlights the importance of civic engagement in faith communities, particularly in Lutheran congregations.
Call today! Ensure anti-poverty programs remain in the debt ceiling deal
This urgent ELCA Advocacy Action Alert urges calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 to ensure anti-poverty programs are maintained in the final debt ceiling deal.
ELCA Action Alert: Protect Our Wildlife!
The National Wildlife Foundation describes the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) as the most significant investment in wildlife conservation in a generation. Sen. Sinema is one of 11 cosponsors oF S.1149. Now we need Sen. Kelly to sign on.
ELCA Farm Bill Toolkit
How to talk about and advance action on the Farm Bill in your congregation? The churchwide ELCA Advocacy team created this Toolkit for your use in advancing action on the Farm Bill.
Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act passage possible
A bipartisan team of senators is working to expand housing supply and low-income protections. Tell lawmakers why your congregation and community cares about expanding affordable housing and addressing the drivers of homelessness.
Hunger Advocacy Fellowship Opening in Arizona
The 2023-24 Hunger Advocacy Fellow placed with LAMA will serve as a member of the staff of this ELCA-affiliated State Public Policy Office as a full-time contract employee. This is a paid position, including health insurance. The position begins in September 2023.
Farm Bill Resources: Prep for Listening Sessions
Congress is preparing to reauthorize the Farm Bill in 2023. Each reauthorization provides an opportunity to improve or expand programs that ensure access to fresh and healthy food while addressing root causes of hunger.
Help Avert Housing Cuts in FY24 Budget
Urge Congress to Pass a Budget with Strong Homeless and Affordable Housing Programs. From ELCA Advocacy.
ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions
The farm bill is legislation that is critical to addressing hunger in the United States and globally. It covers federal nutrition programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), environment, trade, foreign aid and rural development.
Expanded housing access possible by new HUD rule
In February, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took new steps toward addressing patterns of segregation and expanding fair access to housing by proposing a change in policy through a proposed rule. Comment by April 10 as it makes its way through the federal rulemaking process.
Advocacy Update: March 2023
March 2023. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
2023 ELCA Federal Policy Priorities
Read about 2023 ELCA Federal Policy Priorities on Domestic, Environment, International, Migration, Middle East and Civic Engagement topics, the justification through biblical and ELCA social teachings, and how you can be involved.
Advocacy Update: February 2023
February 2023. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
ELCA Advocacy visits Arizona legislators on Capitol Hill
Fabric patches and invitations to members of Congress ~ including two from Arizona ~ to visit ministries addressing homelessness and housing in their districts were delivered by ELCA advocates on Capitol Hill last week.
A Study Curriculum on Civic Life and Faith
The preparation of this study is part of the process toward developing a social statement on these many topics related to civic life and faith. Participants’ feedback is key. The study response period is open through Oct. 15.
Advocacy Update: December 2022
December 2022. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
Should Lutherans be involved in politics?
Why are Lutherans involved in politics, and where does Martin Luther fit in? Join Dr. Ryan Cumming for an open discussion about politics, advocacy, Martin Luther, and Lutherans as a ‘publicly engaged church.’ Monday at the LAMA Liaison Roundtable.
Opportunity to Extend Child Tax Credit
Lawmakers have a limited window to pass an extension to the Child Tax Credit (CTC), which lapsed at the end of 2021. Last year, the strengthened tax credit helped cut childhood poverty from 9.7 to 5.2 percent! In a year of record inflation and economic uncertainty, the CTC expansion alone kept 2.9 million children out of poverty.