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Registration opens for Domestic Hunger Grants
Registration for ELCA World Hunger’s 2023 Domestic Hunger Grants opens on March 18. Could your organization be one to receive funding for your hunger ministry this year?
HB2060 Passes Arizona House of Representatives Unamended
Great news! HB2060 passed the Arizona House of Representatives—unamended—on Thursday! The vote was 44-15. Now on to the Senate, where it faces a more challenging road.
Hungering for Justice: Luther and the Economy Study Guide
This five-week educational series uncovers how our Lutheran faith shapes our perspective and role in the economy. Each week looks at one key aspect of the economy and explores questions related to economic justice. ELCA World Hunger.
Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Arizona Legislature 2022 photos and wrap-up
Coordinated by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA), 80+ Lutherans representing 23 of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts made contact with over 20 lawmakers at the bipartisan Lutheran Day at the Legislature on 2/1/2022. Exceptional images by David Hoye captured the big day.
Presiding Bishop Eaton to join GCS Hunger Leaders Network Meeting
The GCS Hunger Leaders Network meeting on Tuesday, January 25 at 6:00pm will feature a special guest speaker: The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to bring greetings and share updates from ELCA churchwide.
Hunger Free Communities Virtual Summit: Best Practices in Engaging Faith Leaders
Webinar Video: Practitioners in the anti-hunger sector have successfully worked with faith leaders and organizations to increase access to food and/or improve advocacy to end hunger. Panelists from Bread for the World, Alliance to End Hunger and others offer best practices for working with faith leaders and organizations representing different faith communities.
Support a White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, Hunger, and Health
Faith Leader Sign-on Letter Urging the White House to convene a conference on Food, Nutrition, Hunger and Health ~ the last conference was 50 years ago!
“We’re Chicken Women!” Hunger and Hope in Myra, Kentucky
Check out this new video from ELCA World Hunger about Manna From Heaven, a ministry meeting the needs of its neighbors in Kentucky with support from ELCA World Hunger.
The Stubborn Persistence of Food Insecurity for American Families
New data from the Department of Agriculture suggests that families are increasingly losing access to nutritious meals. “The challenge here is deciding whether we are who we say we are,” said Cliff Johnson, the director of the MacArthur Justice Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law. “It’s a matter of values, and personal and political will.”
Protect the agriculture and nutrition investments proposed in Build Back Better package
Arizona Faith Leaders: Sign-on to this letter to Senator Sinema by end of day on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021 to protect the agriculture and nutrition investments proposed in the package. Letter by Arizonan Food Bank Network/Pinnacle Prevention.
Faith Leaders: Sign Letter urging AZ Senators to support a recovery package benefitting Arizona’s most vulnerable
Sign on by Sept. 24. Faith leaders representing a broad variety of faith traditions in Arizona are called on to co-sign a letter to Sens. Kelly and Sinema to make Arizona and our nation more consistent with God’s mandate to care for the most vulnerable and particular concern for people living in poverty.
30 Ways in 30 Days to Take Action Against Hunger
September is Hunger Action Month. Hunger Action Month, recognized by Feeding America and food banks across the country every September, is a month-long campaign to raise awareness of hunger in our country and promote ways for individuals everywhere to get involved with the effort to fight it. Food shouldn't be an impossible choice.
Arizona HungerWalk is a hybrid event this year
From mountain hikes and neighborhood strolls to walks on treadmills and treading water in pools, Cable said that creativity and convenience were cornerstones of the 2020 HungerWalk. They are expecting more of the same from the event on Saturday, Sept. 11, with hopes of attracting at least 1,000 walkers and raising at least $150,000 for the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona.
United Food Bank launching fitness campaign
United Food Bank is launching a new campaign next month that will help people stay fit while they save their less fortunate neighbors from hunger. Because September is Hunger Action Month, UFB is urging people to join the Fit to Feed Fitness Challenge, which enables participants to meet new health goals while raising funds for 100,000 meals.
Census data suggests America’s hunger problem may be waning, but food assistance continues to top pre-pandemic levels
Even a huge increase in food assistance benefits and summer pandemic relief payments may not stave off hunger for millions of Americans
These Southern Arizona programs connect SNAP recipients to fresh, local produce
Double Up AZ will match every dollar of SNAP benefits spent at an eligible farmers market, up to $20 a day, for an unlimited number of days. The Double Up Food Bucks can then be spent on AZ-grown fruits, herbs and veggies.
August ELCA World Hunger Podcast: International Aid
In this episode, Patricia Kisare, international policy advisor for the ELCA, and Kaari Reierson, the ELCA’s associate for corporate social responsibility, join Ryan Cumming to break down some of the myths and realities about US aid and the church’s witness when it comes to this part of the federal budget.
How Can Empowering Women & Girls Help End World Hunger?
Of the 690 million people who are food insecure worldwide, 60% are women and girls. Women are responsible for meeting many of the basic needs in a household, including meals, but they often lack the resources, education, and opportunity to support their families. Here’s everything you need to know about how investing in women and girls can end hunger worldwide.