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September is Hunger Action Month!
Hunger Action Month is a 30-day event each year, where people just like you, join together in the mission to end hunger. It’s typically held in September and is fast growing as a national event.
UPDATE: Child Tax Credit Stalls
Last Thursday, the Senate voted against bringing the crucial Child Tax Credit to the floor. Find out why (and why there is still hope!) here.
Urge Senators Kelly and Sinema to Vote 'Yes' on the Child Tax Credit Expansion
ACT by Thursday! The Senate is expected to vote this Thursday on the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC). The tax legislation that includes the expanded CTC has been stuck in the Senate since January, when the House passed it with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. It is critical that senators pass the expanded CTC now.
Community Partnership: Project AZUL & Santa Cruz Lutheran Food Bank
Guest blogger Joanie Contreras of Santa Cruz Lutheran in Tucson shares today’s Community Spotlight on their partnership with Sahuarita Food Bank’s Project AZUL.
Bread For The World: Renewed Call for Offerings of Letters
Renewed call for letters: Bread for the World has updated their letter writing materials to reflect the ongoing Farm Bill negotiations! Plan an Offering of Letters for your congregations now!
Community Spotlight: Santa Cruz Lutheran Food Bank
Community Spotlight: Learn about the Food Bank at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Tucson! Find out more about their innovative work now!
Community Spotlight: Grand Canyon Food Pantry
Last week, Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn traveled up to the Grand Canyon to tour and volunteer at the Grand Canyon Community Food Bank— the ONLY food bank in a national park! Learn more about this pantry, run by a member of our GCS Hunger Leaders Network!
Healthy School Meals for All In Arizona Study from ASU and AZFBN
Prepare for AZ’s budget negotiations by reading this fascinating study about school meals in Arizona conducted by ASU and AZFBN. Learn about the importance of, cost of, and perspectives on school meals in our state.
New Farm Bill Draft
Last month, Congress finally released proposed drafts of the Farm Bill! This policy is crucial to hunger relief in our country; take some time to read about the good and the bad provisions in this new proposal.
Community Spotlight: Food Bank at Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church
Community Spotlight: Read about the food pantry at Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church in Tucson! The pantry opens once a week to provide shelf stable food to neighbors in need. Autumn recently got a chance to pay them a visit!
NEW: Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap
Feeding America ha released this year’s Map the Meal Gap Report, detailing rates of food insecurity in our country. Check out all the updated numbers now!
Domestic Hunger Grants: Now accepting letters of inquiry
Need help funding your hunger ministry? ELCA World Hunger’s 2025 Domestic Hunger Grants are easier than ever to apply for, and faster to receive the funds. Hurry! Letters of inquiry are due June 16!
National Day of Prayer to End Hunger
The Interfaith Campaign for Food and Nutrition Security invites you to unite in spirit and action with members of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths, along with all other faith communities to commit to eradicating food and nutrition insecurity throughout the United States.
Arizona Hunger Facts
Read all about hunger in Arizona, from the third in a series of education posts about LAMA’s policy priorities. Get up to date on the issues we are advocating on!
Community Spotlight: University Lutheran Church’s Offering of Letters
Read about University Lutheran Church and ASU Lutheran Campus Ministry’s Offering of Letters! Hosted by Bread for the World, this campaign advocates to the passage of an equitable Farm Bill.
Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Interviewed by Telemundo Arizona about harmful SNAP Bills
See Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars advocating on Telemundo Arizona view clips of the full interview, follow links to the AZ Mirror story, and pics of Autumn’s big day.
Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Testifies Against HB2502
Read about Autumn’s trip to the Capitol! She testified in a Senate committee hearing for the first time, speaking against HB 2502 and HB 2503.
Arizona Action Alert: Urge Your State Senator to Oppose Harmful SNAP Bills HB2502 & HB2503
Contact your state Senator and urge them to oppose these concerning SNAP bills in upcoming committee and floor meetings.