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Community Spotlight: Pitchfork Pantry at ASU
LAMA Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars writes about her visit to ASU’s student run food bank, Pitchfork Pantry and University Lutheran Church’s history with the organization.
Friday is Hunger Action Day
In September, we come together to rally around food banks, support awareness around hunger and instill action among our advocates, legislators, anti-hunger friends, and YOU! Because together, we can end hunger.
Arizona Statewide Food Action Plan
Created in collaboration with over 150 stakeholders across the state, Arizona's first statewide food action plan is our collective vision and three-year plan to reimagine and transform Arizona's food system.
September is Hunger Action Month!
Hunger Action Month is a 30-day event each year, where people just like you, join together in the mission to end hunger. It’s typically held in September and is fast growing as a national event.
Serving Together: The 9/11 Multifaith Food Drive
Marking the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona facilitates a unity-driven Multi-Faith Food Drive
Introducing Autumn Byars: GCS Hunger Advocacy Fellow for 2023-24
Autumn Byars joins the Grand Canyon Synod staff as the ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow for 2023-24. Welcome, Autumn! Meet her here.
Bishop Eaton to join next GCS Hunger Leaders call
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton joins the GCS Hunger Leaders Network monthly call on Tuesday, August 29 at 6:00 pm AZ (PDT). Also joining is the Rev. Katie Sexton-Wood from Arizona Faith Network.
View documentary film free of charge: The Ants & the Grasshopper
This documentary, ten years in the making, weaves together the most urgent themes of our times: climate change, gender and racial inequality, the gaps between the rich and the poor, and the ideas that groups around the world have generated in order to save the planet. Free viewing through Spirit in the Desert Climate Theater.
About 500,000 adults will soon lose SNAP due to return of work-reporting requirements; Another 750,000 older adults newly at risk
An ineffective SNAP policy that takes food assistance away from people who can’t meet a work-reporting requirement will return this summer, after being paused during the public health emergency.
ELCA Names New World Hunger Director
The ELCA welcomes Haemin Lee, the new director of ELCA World Hunger, who will lead the team working with ELCA World Hunger’s domestic and international grants. Read Haemin’s greeting in this post.
Complete the GCS Hunger Ministry Survey
In light of the GCS Assembly approving the Hunger Leaders Network’s Resolution, the HLN will be tracking the hunger ministries and hunger leaders in every GCS congregation. Please take 2 minutes to complete the survey for your church.
ELCA World Hunger’s latest VBS Curriculum: God’s New Creation
ELCA World Hunger's VBS for 2023 gives groups the chance to learn about animals. By helping farmers access animals and learn new ways to care for them, we can take an effective, sustainable step toward ending hunger. Each day of “God’s New Creation” offers large- and small-group activities, crafts, games, snacks and more.
Bishop Hutterer accepts 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge award on behalf of GCS
Bishop Hutterer accepts a trophy from the Southeastern Iowa Synod on behalf of the GCS for edging out its sister synod in the friendly 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge.
A resounding Yes! Hunger Resolution passes at Synod Assembly with flying colors
Grand Canyon Synod Resolution S23.01 titled Encouraging congregations to support local hunger ministries, increase awareness of hunger and poverty issues, and increase opportunities to financially support the work of ELCA World Hunger passed unanimously on Saturday, June 10 at the 2023 Synod Assembly in Oro Valley, Arizona.
Bread for the World Offering of Letters to Congress
As Christians, we are called to seek justice, care for those experiencing hunger and poverty, and embrace our Creator’s vision of hope, love, and peace. Learn how to create an Offering of Letters in your congregation.
ELCA Farm Bill Toolkit
How to talk about and advance action on the Farm Bill in your congregation? The churchwide ELCA Advocacy team created this Toolkit for your use in advancing action on the Farm Bill.
GCS Manna Grants: Now accepting applications
Apply by July 31, 2023! Manna Grants are intended to support new and continuing projects in the Grand Canyon Synod that work to alleviate hunger and address the root causes of hunger, and which demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in leadership and decision-making.
Domestic Hunger Grants: Now accepting letters of inquiry
Need help funding your hunger ministry? ELCA World Hunger’s 2024 Domestic Hunger Grants are easier than ever to apply for, and faster to receive the funds. Hurry! Letters of inquiry are due May 31!