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Human Rights Solveig Muus Human Rights Solveig Muus

Support the Bi-Partisan Equality Act

The ELCA social message on Human Rights affirms: In the name of the God who creates every human being out of love, this church teaches human dignity is God’s gift to every person and that the commitment to universal rights protects that dignity. 

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Hunger, Publicly Engaged Church Solveig Muus Hunger, Publicly Engaged Church Solveig Muus

Bread for the World Offering of Letters to Congress

As Christians, we are called to seek justice, care for those experiencing hunger and poverty, and embrace our Creator’s vision of hope, love, and peace. We are called to embody it in public as we commit to live in solidarity with those who are made vulnerable by the inequities that drive hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.

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Voting Solveig Muus Voting Solveig Muus

AZ Voting Initiatives Take Center Stage This Week

These election bills will receive a final vote in the Arizona Legislature this week. LAMA believe these bills curtail the rights of initiative and referendum and limit access to early voting, both electoral rights that Arizonans have long exercised.

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Racial Justice Solveig Muus Racial Justice Solveig Muus

Racism is behind anti-Asian American violence, even when it’s not a hate crime

Over the past year, attacks on Asian Americans have increased more than 150% over the previous year, including the March 16 murders of eight people, including six Asian American women, in Atlanta. Some of these attacks may be classified as hate crimes. But whether they meet that legal definition or not, they all fit a long history of viewing Asian Americans in particular ways that make discrimination and violence against them more likely.

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President Biden Signs American Rescue Plan Act with Nearly $50 Billion in Housing and Homelessness Assistance

President Biden signed into law on March 11 the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package with nearly $50 billion in essential housing and homelessness assistance, including $27.4 billion for rental assistance and $5 billion to assist people experiencing homelessness.

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