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Food Security, Child Welfare Solveig Muus Food Security, Child Welfare Solveig Muus

Biden Plan To Expand Child Tax Credit Could Help Lift Millions Of Kids Out Of Poverty

A big part of the administration’s coronavirus relief package is focused on children. The president says he wants to expand the federal child tax credit, which gives families money for each child they have — or at least reduces their taxes. This change could help lift nearly 10 million children above the poverty line or get them closer to it.

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Education Solveig Muus Education Solveig Muus

Stop SB1452 in Education Committee

Today the Senate Education committee is hearing another bill that undermines the funding base of a still woefully underfunded public education system, and that will especially undermine the lowest income school districts. This drastic expansion of the ESA voucher program comes at a time when public schools have not been made whole after decades of defunding.

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