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RTS for the Week of 2/27
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at hunger and housing, encouraging support for HB 2794 and HB2815.
Request to Speak Alert for the Week of 2/20
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at water and housing, encouraging support for HB 2815 & 2056, and opposition for 2781.
Bishop Hutterer Joins V.I.P To Advocate for Affordable Housing Legislation
Read about Bishop Hutterer’s visit to the Capitol with VIP, and about two important housing bills that need your support.
URGENT: RTS Action Alert
Urgent Friday Action Alert for everyone with a Request to Speak Account: Weigh in on these bills before Monday’s committee hearing!
Request To Speak for the Week of 2/13
Read our second RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. We are encouraging support for HB 2510 and opposition to HB 2502 and 2503.
2024 Lutheran Day at the Legislature Recap
Read our recap of the 2024 Lutheran Day at the Legislature! Thanks to all who attended for your faithful advocacy.
2024 Policy Priorities Primer
Get an in-depth look at LAMA’s 2024 Policy Priorities and how these issues affect our state.
Advocacy Win: Mesa City Council Approves Purchase of the Grand Hotel
Thank you for your advocacy on Mesa’s new emergency shelter!
MESA RESIDENTS: Support Needed for Emergency Housing Acquisition
It’s not too late! The city of Mesa still needs YOUR support for its new shelter. Write in before Nov 3.
Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act passage possible
A bipartisan team of senators is working to expand housing supply and low-income protections. Tell lawmakers why your congregation and community cares about expanding affordable housing and addressing the drivers of homelessness.
Help Avert Housing Cuts in FY24 Budget
Urge Congress to Pass a Budget with Strong Homeless and Affordable Housing Programs. From ELCA Advocacy.
Expanded housing access possible by new HUD rule
In February, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took new steps toward addressing patterns of segregation and expanding fair access to housing by proposing a change in policy through a proposed rule. Comment by April 10 as it makes its way through the federal rulemaking process.
A Sandwich Shop, a Tent City and an American Crisis
As homelessness overwhelms downtown Phoenix, a small business wonders how long it can hang on. By Eli Saslow for The New York Times.
ELCA Advocacy visits Arizona legislators on Capitol Hill
Fabric patches and invitations to members of Congress ~ including two from Arizona ~ to visit ministries addressing homelessness and housing in their districts were delivered by ELCA advocates on Capitol Hill last week.
Digging In: A Leader’s Guide to Service Learning
This leader’s guide is designed to help you plan your next service opportunity. It’s organized into four steps (Preparation, Action, Reflection and Celebration) and will walk you through how to make the most out of your service opportunity. From ELCA World Hunger.
Homeless Remembrance Blanket Project
Does your congregation work with communities experiencing homelessness? Are you willing to host a site visit with a member of Congress sometime in the coming year at your congregation or ministry, highlighting the community’s needs and concerns?
Know Your Neighborhood Worksheet and Guide
Newly updated from ELCA World Hunger, this brief guide provides some suggestions for finding data related to several areas that impact food security: housing, employment and food access. Each section describes how to find the most reliable data.
Housing: A Practical Guide for Learning, Advocating and Building
Housing: A Practical Guide for Learning, Advocating and Building is a new ELCA World Hunger resource for congregations who want to learn about and take action to address the housing crisis in their communities.