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Action Alert: Register for Anti-Hunger Advocacy Day Now!
Register for Anti-Hunger Advocacy Day today!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Oppose Harmful Changes to Immigration Law in Emergency Funding Negotiations
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Opposed the harmful changes to immigration law and the asylum process that are being posed during the funding process!
Action Alert: Check Your Legislative District
Take a minute to prepare for the legislative session by double checking your new Legislative District.
Independent Voters: Register to Participate in the Presidential Preference Election
Did you know that Arizona Independents are not able to vote in the Presidential Preference Election?
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Efforts Combating HIV/AIDS
In honor of World AIDS Day this month, use your voice to support the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Congressional authorization for PEPFAR expired this year on September 30. Congress needs to pass legislation to reauthorize continuation of the program.
Bread for the World Advocacy Campaign for Child Hunger
Join Bread for the World on Dec 8 for the launch of their newest Childhood Hunger Advocacy Campaign!
ELCA Action Alert: Urge Congress to Expand the Child Tax Credit
Help fight child poverty and hunger by urging congress to prioritize tax relief for low-income families.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Peace Not Walls October 2023
ACTION ALTER: Violence continues in the Holy Land. Urge your reps to call for a ceasefire.
ELCA Action Alert: Support International Humanitarian Programs
ELCA Advocacy action alert: urge congress to provide robust funding for international humanitarian programs in their SFOPS appropriations bill. Read on to learn more about how these programs help bring peace and stability to regions that need it.
2023 Farm Bill: Bills To Watch
2023 Farm Bill Primer: Information on bills we are watching and hoping to see in the upcoming Farm Bill! Read on to find out about proposed legislation and how you can advocate for those struggling with hunger.
MESA RESIDENTS: Support Needed for Emergency Housing Acquisition
It’s not too late! The city of Mesa still needs YOUR support for its new shelter. Write in before Nov 3.
ACTION ALERT: Urge Congress to Support WIC Funding
ACTION ALERT: Urge Congress to fully fund the WIC program in the upcoming Farm Bill.
ELCA Action Alert: Urge Congress to pass disaster aid supplemental
FEMA is in dire need of replenishing its Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), which plays a vital role in providing assistance to communities affected by disasters of all kinds. Urge Congress to pass disaster aid supplemental today!
Friday is Hunger Action Day
In September, we come together to rally around food banks, support awareness around hunger and instill action among our advocates, legislators, anti-hunger friends, and YOU! Because together, we can end hunger.
September is Hunger Action Month!
Hunger Action Month is a 30-day event each year, where people just like you, join together in the mission to end hunger. It’s typically held in September and is fast growing as a national event.
ELCA Action Alert: Improve Disaster Response Policies
As hurricanes, floods and wildfires rage, it is a critical time to reach out to our lawmakers to ensure our communities have the resources they need to respond to natural disasters. Please take action and share with your congregation and partners today!